
Hanger sentenced, tombstone reapplied in 2021
“I was acquitted of three of the four crimes – declared the mayor of Turin on leaving court – because the fact does not exist. The 2016 episode remains and we hope to read the reasons for the sentence but I remain convinced that I acted for the good of the institution. I will fulfill my mandate, this sentence does not prevent me. And I am suspended from the Movement as required by the ethical code ”.

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Nothing has been said about a new candidacy: “I do not think it is today’s topic.” Later on Facebook he added: “As is also clear from the trial papers, I did not obtain any personal advantage, on the contrary: the accusation, in essence, was of having unfairly ‘benefited’ the Municipality. I will appeal, sure of my innocence and my absolute good faith “.

Turin, the judge expert opinion on the City Council’s accounts for a “ghost” debt of five million
The process refers to the complicated history of a debt that the Municipality had contracted in the previous legislature with the real estate fund in which the Fundación Crt, Ream participated, as a deposit to exercise a right of first refusal on the project to reactivate the old area from Westinghouse. The five million had to be returned in 2016, but the mayor, together with his former chief of staff, Paolo Giordana, the budget councilor, Sergio Rolando, director of the Finance sector, had postponed it for two years in a row, stumbling criminal investigation.

Turin Prosecutor’s Office: “Evidence of Appendino and Rolando for the falsification of the Ream case”
The idea of the accusation was actually that all together they had made the debt of 5 million disappear with an accounting device because they could not make ends meet at the closing of the first budget signed by Chiara Appendino. The alternative to avoid was to cut services to the city, damaging the image of the pentastelada board in its debut. But the personal political return, on which the presumption of abuse of power was based, was not recognized by the sentence. “The tenacity of the sentence shows the irrelevance of the fact. We will read the reasons and appeal, sure we can revoke the sentence, “said Luigi Chiappero, attorney for the mayor’s office.

Turin, the auditors: “The balance of the Appendino board is not correct”
The accusation was supported in the courtroom by two deputy prosecutors from the Turin prosecutor’s office, Enrica Gabetta and Marco Gianoglio, who requested a sentence of one year and two months. The judge who decided with the abbreviated procedure is Alessandra Pfiffner. She is responsible for sentencing, for the first time in Turin, of a trial involving a first citizen in office. And it will also partly mark the path of politics for the coming months.

Ream case. Giordana before the prosecutors: “Everything is regular in the budget of the Municipality”
“I learned with amazement and sadness of my sentence – commented the former director and chief of staff of Appendino, Paolo Giordana – I am sure of my total innocence. I will wait to read the reasons for the sentence but without a doubt I will appeal to Validate what I think they are my legitimate reasons. “
The part of the most frightening judicial problems for the mayor of Turin is thus dissolved on this day also expected by the result of the regional elections and the referendum that confirms the constitutional reform that provides for the reduction of parliamentarians. He would have had to leave Palazzo Civico due to the Severino law if he had been convicted of the abuse. But the political case is opened with the Five Star Movement, because according to the rules in force among the Pentastellati, Appendino should be expelled.
Today’s partial acquittal comes a few days after the presentation of another file involving the mayor, which was opened with a phantom council to his former spokesman, Luca Pasquaretta, for which the prosecutor sent other suspects for embezzlement, but not her. . The trial for the events in Piazza San Carlo, which will reach its final stage in mid-November, remains to be discussed.
“The judiciary has its own times, which must be respected and are different from those of politics. That is why our opinion on this administration does not change – writes on Facebook the councilor of the PD and deputy vice president of the City Council, Enzo Lavolta after the conviction of the first citizen of Turin – to Mayor Appendino we want to prove his innocence in the next stages of the trial, but the city Turin now deserves a deep and radical change that will make it start again quickly. “
We are waiting for the M5 to request, in accordance with their statute, the resignation of the mayor of Turin Chiara Appendino for a six-month sentence for false ideology linked to the Ream process. The trick of the mayor’s party’s self-suspension, so as not to have to submit to the gruesome ethical-moral rules propagated for years to win support, represent the unworthy end of the mandate of a mayor who had to pulverize the Turin system and that instead he only collected guarantees ”. Thus, in a note, the Turin deputies from Forza Italia, as well as the coordinator and deputy coordinator of the Azzurri, Paolo Zangrillo and Roberto Rosso, and the city commissioner Marco Fontana.
The League, for its part, asks the 5 Star Movement to challenge Appendino: “Now I hope that the M5 is consistent. Ask today for the resignation of Mayor Appendino or be suspicious tomorrow morning ”, declared Alessandro Benvenuto, commissioner of the Salvini League for the province of Turin.