Last Saturday, the government modified the answers to the frequently asked questions (faq) about the possibility of traveling outside the municipality itself to make purchases, also adding “greater economic convenience” to the reasons of need. And now the Emilia Romagna Region, after an interview, has acquired these guidelines and clarifications on the provisions of the dpcm on anti-Covid measures.
Transfers between municipalities for cost reasons
The Presidency of the Council of Ministers ruled on the issue with a specific FAQ according to which “Travel to municipalities other than the one in which you live is prohibited, except for specific needs or needs. The purchase is always part of the reasons that justify the movements. When, therefore, your Municipality does not have points of sale or in the event that a Municipality adjacent to yours has the availability, also in terms of greater economic convenience, of the points of sale necessary for your needs, the movement is allowed within these limits which must be self-certified. “
In this regard, however, it should be noted that the concept of “expenditure” only includes expenditure on food; that moving to a municipality other than the one in which you live is considered legitimate, in light of the content of the faq in question, if the criterion of contiguity and territorial proximity indicated in the faq is respected. Finally, movements, as described in the aforementioned frequently asked questions, cannot in any case be admitted between neighboring regions (article 2, paragraph 4, letters a) and b) of the Prime Minister’s Decree of November 3, 2020.
Movement between municipalities due to needs related to personal service (hairdressers, beauticians)
The art. of the Prime Minister’s Decree of November 3, 2020 (high severity scenario area. High risk level) prohibits, with art. 2, paragraph 4, lett. b, any movement, by any means, to a municipality other than that of residence, domicile or domicile. In the body of the provisions contained in art. 2 Exceptions to this prohibition are rejected.
The art exam. 2, as well as the provisions contained in the ordinance adopted by the President of the Emilia-Romagna Region on November 12, 2020, entails the exclusion of travel between Municipalities or Regions due to needs related to personal or aesthetic services, except in the In the case of the municipal territory, the absence of such services is not recorded.
Similar guidance is expressed with respect to tire dealers, auto body shops, auto shops and laundries. This orientation has its origin in the logic of the provisions adopted both at Headquarters and at the regional level, aimed, in the first place, at safeguarding public health with a view to balancing it with the primary needs indicated in the same provisions.
According to the joint reading of the provisions contained in the dpcm of November 3, the ministerial circular of last November 7 and the government’s faq, and after clarifying the point with the Ministry of the Interior, it is noted that voluntary activity should be understood in a broad sense, including not only the activities related to the management of the ongoing health emergency, but also those that reconnect with the care activities carried out, within the framework of a voluntary association, also in agreement with local authorities, to in favor of needy or disadvantaged people. Consequently, for the movement linked to these activities, the realization of social volunteering may be justified.