The young man, originally from Isili, arrived at the hospital in desperate condition, with severe respiratory failure, and died in the emergency room. The boy was one of the first infected this summer in Sardinia, after having frequented some clubs on the Costa Smeralda. Ats followed him home, but today his conditions have suddenly worsened
A 33-year-old young man, originally from Isili, died in the afternoon in the emergency department of the Santissima Trinità hospital in Cagliari due to the consequences of the coronavirus (THE SPECIAL – LIVE UPDATES). He arrived at the hospital in desperate condition, with severe respiratory failure, and despite all the doctors’ attempts, the boy had nothing to do. The young man, as far as we know, was one of the first infected this summer in Sardinia, after having frequented some clubs on the Costa Smeralda. Ats followed him home, but today his conditions have suddenly worsened. Hence the call to 118 and the transfer by ambulance to the hospital, where he died.