Gyms, face masks always (or almost). 12 square meters per person


Roberto Finizio via Getty Images

More rigorous use of masks, mandatory reservation application for courses and fines for offenders. These are some of the most rigorous measures for gyms, swimming pools and sports facilities included in the new protocol for the implementation of the ‘Guidelines for basic sport and physical activity in general’, issued by the Department of Sports and announced by the Minister of Sports and Youth Policies, Vincenzo Spadafora.
MORE EXPENSIVE – The document specifies how it is “mandatory to check at the entrance that the users of the services and their companions are equipped with a protective mask and, if not, prohibit entry”. Furthermore, children “must not be accompanied by more than one family member.”
It is also mandatory to “wear a mask at any time within the facility, except when performing physical activity on site. For example, the mask must also be worn during training if the client moves from one training station to another. “Finally, it is still mandatory to” always wear a mask in access and transit areas.

SIGNAL AND TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT – It becomes for all purposes “mandatory to measure the temperature of all visitors / partners / employees / companions, every day at the time of access, preventing access in the event of temperatures above 37.5 C”. As for restaurants, those responsible for gyms, swimming pools and facilities must “prepare and make visible at the entrance of the structure a special poster containing the maximum number of entrances allowed within the different sports structures.”
RESERVATION APPLICATION – An important part of the new protocol is reserved for reservation methods.
In any case, it is mandatory to use technological solutions that allow those who participate in the proposed sports activities to be able to track access to the structures, through WEB applications, or applications for mobile devices ”. However, shortly thereafter, the document highlights a distinction in behavior between structures that have the possibility to house fewer than 50 people at the same time and structures that can house more. The former “are exempted from the obligation to use technological solutions or web applications, but the obligation to reserve the lesson in advance and register in the paper registry is not affected, as well as the prohibition to meet in all areas of the sports site , including those waiting, reception, etc. To avoid unnecessary travel and crowds of waiting, it is mandatory that each structure identify the maximum number of entries and consequently prohibit the entry of more customers once the maximum number has been reached “. The latter, for their part, must “be equipped with reservation tools or proof of co-presence in the structure at any time so that users can update in real time the availability of places and the competent authorities to verify compliance with the regulations”.

DISTANCES – The determination of the maximum number of people that can be present at the same time within the structure “must result from the consideration of 12 square meters per person, considering for the calculation the square meters (interior) of the entire structure. In the calculation of co-presences, the direct or indirect personnel who attend to you at that time must also be considered. Regarding group activities and courses, the maximum number mentioned above is 5 square meters per participant, taking into account the size of the environment in which the activity takes place. Regarding the activities carried out inside the pools, a minimum space of 7 square meters per person present must be guaranteed. For swimming pools not suitable for bathing, the reference regional regulations and those contained in Annex 9 of the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of October 13, 2020 apply. “It is still mandatory to always maintain the minimum interpersonal distance of 1 meter with a more elastic evaluation “during physical activity” with the obligation to maintain “a minimum interpersonal distance appropriate to the intensity of the exercise, in any case not less than 2 meters”.
ACCESS TO SHOWERS AND DISPENSERS – The site manager may also “prohibit access to showers, inviting users and athletes to change only their wet swimsuit or training clothes, to dry their hair quickly and to complete the bandage as soon as possible. It will also make sure, also with the support of the site staff, to verify that the athletes respect the distance imposed by the norms of prevention of the risk of contagion ”.
It is also mandatory “to make available at least 1 disinfectant gel dispenser every 300 square meters, considering only the areas where physical and motor activity takes place” and “to make available disinfectant gel dispensers in access and transit areas” .
TRAINING COURSES – In this case it is not an obligation but rather a strongly suggested activity: “Managers are also invited to organize training courses for personnel in charge of health trainers and RSPP, capable of providing the necessary recommendations for use and protection directives, prevention and precaution for collaborators and employees ”.

IMMUNE – The monitoring application must be “promoted among users and attendees of their sports centers” together with “all measures aimed at preventing the spread of COVID – 19”

SWIMMING POOL – In the new protocol, specific specifications have been added for swimming pools, which in May were considered at the same level as gyms and other places dedicated to sports activity. These are measures that “apply to public and private swimming pools for swimming and recreational activities. Pools for special treatment, rehabilitation and spa uses are excluded ”.
Administrators should, for example, “provide separate routes for entry and exit” but also “provide access to facilities by reservation only.” Then it will be necessary to “organize the spaces and activities in the changing rooms and shower areas to ensure the separation of at least 1 meter” and “equip the system / structure with a dispenser with hydroalcoholic solutions for the hygiene of the hands of visitors / clients / guests “In clearly visible points at the entrance, it will also have dispensers in frequent traffic areas, in the solarium area or in strategic areas in order to favor the hygiene of the visitors’ hands.”
It will also be necessary to provide “periodic and frequent cleaning and disinfection of common areas, changing rooms, showers, toilets, cabins, equipment: hammocks, chairs, beds, including floating equipment, boats, etc. Avoid the mixed use of objects and clothing white: the user must access the pool equipped with everything necessary “. The density of overcrowding in the pool should be calculated “with an index of 7 square meters of water surface per person. Therefore, the manager is required, based on the available areas, to calculate and manage the visitors’ entries to the system. “
SANCTIONS – Compared to May, the mandatory requirements to follow have increased. This also implies the implementation of economic sanctions. Keep in mind that non-compliance with the provisions of the planned measures may be subject to the sanctions provided by current legislation as a result of the control and monitoring operations carried out by the administrations and competent authorities of the Dpcm of October 13, 2020, or the breach of the obligation, “During basic sports activity and physical activity generally carried out in gyms, swimming pools, sports centers and public and private clubs, to comply with the rules of social distancing and not generate crowds, deviation of 280.00 or 560.00 in case of recidivism “.
