Gyms and swimming pools They are under observation by the Government, which will evaluate compliance with anti-Covid measures and the possibility of contagion. For this reason, the Minister of Youth and Sports Policies, Vincenzo Spadafora, announced a new implementation protocol with stricter coronavirus prevention standards and measures than those in force so far.
“The world of sport has done and will continue to do everything possible to ensure the full safety of fans and workers, as has happened so far and beyond.”says the minister.
In the new guidelines there will be stricter rules regarding the data collection, l ‘control execution, the use of mask protection and supervision of other regulations in force in Spacing and sanitation of environments.
Meanwhile, the DPCM of October 18, 2020 imposed a ban on practicing contact sports and amateur team competitions; Individual training is always allowed. Green light for jogging and outdoor physical activity, with mask only per second.
New safety protocols for gyms and swimming pools: all the news
Giuseppe Conte temporarily suspended the decision of closing or leaving gyms and swimming pools open. Pending a new intervention from the Government, the Department of Sports, led by Minister Spadafora, has issued the new protocol that toughens the prevention and protection measures of the virus “Guidelines for basic sports and physical activity in general” effective from May 19, 2020.
The current guidelines are, in fact, still based on the Prime Minister’s Decree of May 17, 2020, and are therefore no longer adequate. Soon those responsible for gyms, swimming pools and sports facilities in general will face even more stringent measures, especially with regard to:
- intensification and control of hygiene rules;
- use of mask and other individual protection measures;
- execution of sample controls me application of sanctions provided for by the regulations already in force (until the suspension of the activity);
- admission fee restrictions;
- data collection of those who frequent the environments in question and train in promiscuous conditions.
The text of the new protocol was announced by Spadafora in the Council of Ministers and is the result of collaboration with the Italian National Olympic Committee, the Italian Paralympic Committee, the Italian Federation of Sports Medicine and trade associations.