gyms and closed pools and refreshments


In final text of the new Decree of the Prime Minister of October 25, 2020 signed by Conte it’s official the closure of gyms, swimming pools, swimming centers, wellness centers and spas.

Among the essential activities that will be closed, also the restaurant activities from 18:00 hours from Monday to Friday while they will be open on Sundays and holidays. These are just two of the main interventions included in the final text of the Prime Minister’s Decree promulgated by the executive to stop the increase in infections that was discussed yesterday on several occasions between Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and the majority heads of delegation. Here are the measurements inserted in the final text of the new Dpcm October 25.

The anticipation of the closure of the premises is scheduled for 6:00 p.m., however, it would not imply an advance of the curfew in terms of traffic prohibition that should remain from 9:00 p.m. During the meeting the possible restoration of the travel ban between Regions but it has not yet been decided whether the measure will enter the new decree of the president or not.

DPCM October 25, 2020 closing of gyms, swimming pools and spas:

Based on anticipated by Daily fact, among the interventions planned in non-essential activities there are definitely the closing pools, gyms and spas.

The updated protocol with even stricter measures just a week ago is not considered sufficient.

Based on final text of the DPCM October 25 the activities of gyms, swimming pools, swimming centers, wellness centers, spas, Except for the provision of services included in the essential levels of assistance, as well as cultural, social and recreational centers; without prejudice to Suspension of swimming pool and gym activities, basic sports activities andmotor activity generally performed in public and private sports clubs and centers, are allowed according to the rules of social distancing and without any meeting, in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Office of Sport, after consulting the Italian Federation of Sports Medicine (FMSI), without prejudice to the additional operational guidelines issued by the Autonomous Regions and Provinces, in accordance with art. 1, paragraph 14, of decree-law n. 33 of 2020”.

Final text of the DPCM October 25 for gyms and swimming pools:

here is the definitive text in pdf of the Decree of the Prime Minister of October 25:

DPCM catering business:

The closure of catering services is approved during the week, starting at 6 pm – open on Sundays. On the other hand, catering in hotels and other accommodation facilities would continue to be allowed without a time limit “limitating their clients“Among the new features would also be the limit of 4 people per table, unless they all live together.

DPCM offsets:

In the final text of the Dpcm there is currently no prohibition to move, but “and fhighly recommended to any natural person who does not move, by public or private means of transport, to a Municipality other than the one of residence, domicile or domicile, except for proven needs for work, study, for health reasons, for situations of need or to carry out activities or take advantage of non-suspended services not available in that municipality”.

Conte: we work on quick snacks for those in difficulty

A meeting was held today between the Prime Minister, the heads of the majority delegation and the ministers. On the table the new measures that will be merged in the new Dpcm but also the situation in Naples. In the meantime “we are defining the most effective and fastest ways to offer refreshment for economic operators in crisis»Said Prime Minister Conte, who did not hide, however, reservations in the management of subsidies to the most affected sectors.

«SWe are aware that not all the measures adopted have acted with the necessary timeliness and that the public administrations as a whole can certainly improve their performance, in particular in the ability to quickly and concretely help companies by creating an environment conducive to investments»Said the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, speaking at the Cna assembly with a video message.

I would like to appeal to you – Then the premier added -: Let us unite as a sign of mutual trust to change Italy, leave no one behind, the doors of the government will always be open“.
