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Matteo Salvini has published the defensive note with which he plans to escape the sentence for kidnapping (the process begins in a week in Catania) for the blockade of the Gregoretti ship. The explanatory considerations proposed by the Captain also have some relevance, but doubts continue to prevail here as to whether the League’s policy, and more generally the policy of the yellow-green government, is a matter that can be regulated through the courts. . Keeping more than a hundred immigrants in the water was not a solution adopted with the favor of darkness, but well planned and well vindicated, and to which the executive did not oppose: Giuseppe Conte’s private invitations to reasonableness, later widespread, they are very rare. Prime Minister, for the powers you have and the responsibility you have.
We will follow the hearings with care and secularism, but it will not be a sentence of guilt or innocence to change your mind. The problem, not measurable with the penal code, is precisely in the spectacularity and pride with which Salvini denied the landing to the desperate Gregoretti. He wanted to show his constituents, at least the most fervent ones, what he is made of. Now we know him well: he is made of the dough that leads him, with his executioner tail, to call the intercom of a North African on the outskirts of Bologna to ask him if he can support himself selling drugs. The same pasta – he is one of those who is not to waste time with shit such as the presumption of innocence, they are wagging the fumes that have ruined this country – so I would cut it off the rapist, verbatim, but only chemically, specifies the jurist . and for this other he would throw away the key and this other one would rot him in jail, and with particular speed and determination if his face is a little brown.
It is not racism, not in the somewhat simplified sense that we usually give. Racism is not an innate feeling, but a reaction to fear. Jean-Paul Sartre explained it with rare skill in “Anti-Semitism – Reflections on the Jewish Question.” The racist, he writes, “is a man who is afraid. Not of the Jews, of course: but of himself, of his conscience, of his freedom, of his instincts, of his responsibilities, of loneliness, of the change in society and the world; none other than the Jews … He chooses the permanence and impenetrability of the stone, the total irresponsibility of the warrior who obeys his leaders, and has no leader. He chooses not to buy anything, to deserve nothing, but that everything is owed to him by birth, and he is not noble. Finally, he chooses that the Good be done well, beyond any doubt, untouchable … The Jew here is just a pretext: elsewhere we will use black or yellow ».
It is on this fear that Salvini marches, on this deliberate misunderstanding of reaching the weak, while striking the weakest, the last of the last, depersonalizing them, taking away a human dimension, transforming them into objects of pure propaganda and the car of consensus. with the most chilling cynicism. I don’t know if it is a crime. I know it is much worse.