Between new DPCM arriving in the next few hours, the chances of a new emergency shutdown and the news on the front quarantine me tampons the confusion is great.
The news is repeated, they contradict each other and many give for certain what for now is only unofficial.
Money.it has decided to create one dedicated 10 point guide to those who do not understand anything, enriched with different perceptions, aware of the importance of timely, methodical and, above all, truthful information.
New DPCM, the 10-point guide for those who do not understand anything
We summarize through a convenient list all the news that comes with the next DPCM. This is what you need to know, specifying that, until the publication of the final text in the Gazette, everything related to the next Decree of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers must be considered unofficial, therefore not confirmed.
1) Mandatory mask
On October 7, 2020, a decree law was issued establishing the use of outdoor masks is mandatory. The decree, which entered into force on the 8th of the current month, is valid until October 15. Therefore, it is assumed that the new DPCM will also contain the obligation of masks until a date to be specified.
2) Time
When will the new DPCM be issued?
Nothing is certain, some sources are already talking about this afternoon after the confrontation between the Government and the Regions, there are those who see Tuesday, October 13 as the safest date.
According to the premier Giuseppe Conte the decree will come tonight: «We are committed to the Dpcm, we will try to discard it as soon as tonight (…) a new generalized blockade», He declared on the sidelines of his participation in the inauguration of the new headquarters of the Faculty of Medicine of Taranto.
3) Quarantine news
After a discussion on Sunday with the Scientific Technical Committee, the government changes the rules for “quarantine”, or more correctly fiduciary isolation, incorporating in a circular of the Ministry of Health the indications of the CTS, which says that “In line with international guidelines and adopting the principle of maximum caution, we highlight the need to update the diagnostic route for the identification of positive cases as well as the timely return to the social context of the diagnosed subjects».
As of the current 14 days, in which any person who has been in contact with a positive or is positive is called to remain at their home or other place communicated to the ASL to which they belong, the new decree will pass to 10 days. After this period of time, a swab is needed whose result, if negative, establishes the end of the quarantine.
To know the rules to follow in the different cases that may arise, we recommend reading the following article:
4) News about tampons
Another novelty on the quarantine front concerns the way a positive is considered “cured” – incorrect term, because many test positive for coronavirus but do not develop the associated disease, namely COVID-19 (to better understand the concept: “The difference between coronavirus and COVID-19, between sick and positive»). With the new rules, two negative pads will no longer be needed, but only one will suffice. This novelty, along with the length of quarantine, is believed to be included in the new DPCM.
Within its indications, the CTS gives the green light to carry out rapid tests also in the offices of general practitioners and pediatricians, with the prescription of the molecular swab only if it is positive for the rapid test.
5) Bars, clubs and restaurants
Is the government within the new DPCM preparing a lockout? The advances, still far from being confirmed, speak of a mandatory closure of bars, restaurants and nightclubs entry 23 or 24 and the prohibition of parking outside the same between the hours of 21 to 6 in the morning. Consequently, the drink can only be prepared at the table if this provision is included in the incoming decree.
The ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages after 10 pm could also fall into the same context.
6) Private parties (even at home)
According to the same words of the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, on 75% of infections occur in the family and among acquaintances, which could push the government to set limits on family and friend gatherings even within the home. Speranza promotes the absolute ban, while in recent days there has been talk of limiting the number of participants in private parties, wedding banquets or for other occasions and various banquets in places considered public, without forbidding meetings within homes. private.
This remains a knot that only the official text of the new DPCM will be able to resolve.
7) Schools
And what news will the new DPCM bring to the school front? The Minister of Education Azzolina on Facebook assured that there will be no new restrictions within schools:
There are rules at school, even very strict ones, that students and staff adhere to with a great sense of responsibility.
has declared.
The limited risk of new outbreaks within schools was recently confirmed by data from the Higher Institute of Health and the Ministry of Health.
8) Smart work
According to rumors that have multiplied in recent hours, the new DPCM could contain the government’s request, directed at companies, to increase smart work by at least 70%.
9) Sport
In organized contexts that respect the security protocols guaranteed by the presence of a company, the Government could provide the go-ahead to continue sporting practices related to soccer, rugby, dance, volleyball, basketball, gyms and other activities. The prohibition, to avoid uncontrolled encounters, should refer to sports performed in the open field or, in any case, to any sporting activity carried out at an amateur level, other than, for example, free running.
On the other hand, there are no prohibitions or limitations in sight for professional sports, such as football matches.
10) Public transport
Despite the rise in infections, the government could contemplate increasing the maximum capacity of high-speed trains from the current 50% to 80%, at the same time increasing controls on buses, metro and regional trains so that the capacity limit – already today at 80% – it is respected.
Is a new blockade approaching?
The institutions and, first of all, Prime Minister Conte – through the previous words – exclude the arrival of a new lock, in other words, the forced closure of shops, productive activities and offices, accompanied by the indication to stay inside their homes addressed to all residents in Italy, as happened last March. On the contrary, limited mini-closures remain possible in particularly critical areas.
A new blockade, the Government well knows, could deal the final blow to the Italian economy, already in difficulties on its way to recover from the crisis linked to the coronavirus.
One thing’s for sure: the new DPCM coming soon doesn’t mean another crash is imminent. It only remains to see how the measures of the new decree manage to slow down the growth rate of the contagion curve.
In a few hours, finally, all doubts will be cleared far from official text. Meanwhile, any confirmation should be considered fake news.