Captain alternate phases and single objective. Of the accused of kidnapping Matteo salvini reserve accusations and slap on the wrist to the former Minister of Transport, Danilo Toninelli. Guilty, according to the senator of the Northern League, of having uttered too many “I don’t remember” during today’s hearing for the Gregoretti case that is celebrated in court of catania. The former tenant of the Viminale is accused of illegally detaining migrants rescued from the ship coastguard in the summer of 2019. A controversial matter with the Etna prosecutor who had asked not to proceed with the senator. Today in Catania was also supposed to be Prime Minister’s day, Giuseppe Conte, cited as a witness along with Toninelli and the former minister Elisabetta trenta. However, the prime minister asserted a prerogative provided in the code and will be heard in Rome on January 28 at 10, when at the facilities of Chigi Palace the judge will arrive from the capital of Etna Nunzio Sarpietro.
Salvini after the hearing made the point at his usual press conference, convened in a hotel near theFontanarossa airport. “Toninelli spoke for two hours and for an hour and a half she said she didn’t remember anything. I hope he at least remembers the way home, ”Salvini explodes in front of dozens of cameras and packed journalists. Cinquestelle responds by speaking of “falsehood”: “Today during my statement on the Gregoretti case I answered all questions clearly and on time. Circumstances that have arisen, including those of the case. The open arms. Now enough with the fake news that are circulating, otherwise I will be forced to take legal action against the newspapers and anyone else who continues to spread them.
In the classroom they breathed strong tense climate between the former minister Cinquestelle and the leader of the League. With the first that, repeatedly pressured by the defense of the leader of Carroccio, has returned to the sender any possible involvement in the choice to detain the migrants at the Gregoretti. Position later reaffirmed also in front of the journalists at the end of the testimony: “Salvini in words it was hard and told the Italians to defend the borders. In judicial acts he discharges the responsibility to others but the law clearly says that it was his ”.
During the hearing – held behind closed doors – the lawyer Giulia Bongiorno, who defends Salvini, according to what looks like a Ilfattoquotidiano.it, He also reviewed some Facebook posts posted by Toninelli. In at least one of them, the former minister of Pentastellato has brought a line shared by the entire government at that time detain migrants. The goal of the defense of Salvini aims everything to remove the clothes tolonely man in charge, favoring the one who decides on behalf of one total harmony of government On the subject of relocations. Toninelli stressed that he was “politically in agreement that migrants must be redistributed and that Europe must take care of this – the meaning of the words spoken in the courtroom – Another thing is to say that I had an impact with some of my keep these subjects on the boat. “
The atmosphere is more relaxed with former minister Elisabetta Trenta, who arrived at the clearing near the bunker room with a service car. For her, there is no face-to-face with journalists but not even Salvini’s sling after the hearing. Before the judge, the former minister reiterated one of his no participation in the decision to keep the migrants on the ship, however underlining how they would have been on board anyway all rights guaranteed. What would he have done instead of Salvini? “I would not have proceeded in the same way”said twice.
The last judicial step of the day was reserved for Salvini himself, who chose to issue spontaneous statements as he anticipated before entering the courtroom. “I listed the figures to the judge during my mandate – he explains – We have reduced the landings by 80%, but also the number of dead and missing in the Mediterranean.” He said shared options, but also surreal memories. Like the one recovered in the archive by the lawyer Bongiorno, who was Minister of Public Administrations during the yellow-green government: “I remember delays in returning home when the Council of Ministers was convened. I felt that it was going to be night because he was waiting behind a door – he explains to journalists – Locked inside a room were Conte, Salvini, Toninelli, Di Maio me Moavero and they decided who to land with and who not ”.
While waiting to hear Conte’s words in the process, a video of the Prime Minister during a press conference at Palazzo Chigi in 2019. “It is a political process – says Salvini – in which the prosecution alleges that I have not committed any crime, the defense is in charge of defending me and accusing me Legambiente“After Conte, the hearings will continue at the foot of Etna with the testimonies of the current Minister of the Interior. Luciana Lamorgese and the chancellor Luigi di maio. “I will come to Sicily at least twice a month – Salvini closes – there is work to be done for the administrative offices in Palermo and for the next regional offices.”