Gregoretti case and Salvini trial, the League in the streets against the judges


ROME – The League had ensured that next Saturday no anti-judges would be placed, along with the hearing of the Salvini trial in the Catania Court. Nothing that evoked the unfortunate parade of the parliamentarians of Forza Italia before the Court of Milan against the “too many” trials suffered by the Knight, was on March 11, 2013. And instead of the agenda of the leader of the Northern League this week , here comes the square event. At the end of the two days of meetings and debates scheduled for Thursday 1 and Friday 2 at the Nuova Dogana in the capital of Etna entitled “Italians choose freedom”.



Salvini plays the card ‘Pontida etnea’

All summoned – deputies, senators, MEPs and as many militants as possible – for 10 a.m. on Saturday, in the same minutes in which the secretary will be before his judge to answer the accusation of kidnapping for the Gregoretti ship affair . “Catania European capital of freedom. Try me too ”, will be the words that will stand out cubitally on the stage of the Borsellino car park, inside the Port of Catania. There will be a long marathon of oratory by parliamentarians (but also by other guests invited by the party) in defense of the chief who has been tried.



Salvini’s judge: “Palamara is not here, he will have a peaceful trial”

At the end of the preliminary hearing, probably not decisive, but the first of a series, Salvini himself should arrive in the square for a post-court crowd and thank the protesters. He will say into the microphone what he had anticipated at the end of each rally of the long electoral campaign: “He declared me guilty, before the judge, of having defended Italy and the Italians. I will defend the borders again as Prime Minister ”. But before returning to the polls and coveted entrance to Palazzo Chigi, a long journey in the desert awaits you.
