Tomorrow, December 28 at 4:00 p.m., the group leader is called to decide the schedule and at 6:30 p.m. the text is expected in the Budget Committee
by Andrea Marini
Tomorrow, December 28 at 4:00 p.m., the group leader is called to decide the schedule and at 6:30 p.m. the text is expected in the Budget Committee
3 ‘reading
Green light from the Chamber to maneuver. After the trust in the provision collected by the government on December 23 (with 314 votes in favor, 230 against and 2 abstentions), the Montecitorio ok also reached the final vote on the provision: 298 yes, 125 no, 8 auctions (431 voters present and 423, majority threshold at 212). The text now passes armored in the Senate. Already at 4 in the afternoon of tomorrow, December 28, the conference of the Group Leaders is called to decide the calendar and at 6:30 in the afternoon the text is expected in the Budget Committee. The final approval is scheduled for Tuesday, no later than Wednesday 30, a few hours before the deadline of 31, under pain of provisional exercise.
Odg on more powers in Rome the capital
Yesterday was the day of voting on the agendas (which are documents that are addressed to the Government on how the future law should be applied): report the cross-border approval of the Chamber with 478 yes and only 7 no and 6 abstentions, on the agenda of the maneuver presented by FdI, with the first signature Giorgia Meloni, to give greater powers and greater resources to Rome as a capital. The government initially asked for a reformulation but later changed its mind and accepted the original text. “Anyway, I ask for the vote,” said Giorgia Meloni, speaking in the Chamber and underlining that with the approval of the agenda there is actually “a postponement of new measures, which – he stresses – would not have occurred if the amendment had been approved. presented by FdI ».
Ok to odg per proroga Superbonus
“The Chamber of Deputies has approved my agenda that commits the government to guarantee the extension of the Superbonus to 110% throughout the year 2023, also making use of the resources of the Next Generation Eu program.” So Luca sut, leader of the 5-Star Movement in the Productive Activities Committee. Therefore, the government will now have to identify the fastest and most effective way to further extend our measure, after we had already brought it into play in mid-2022, with the possibility of reaching the end of 2022 for condominiums whose work will be at least 60% at the end of June ».
Extend the flat-rate tax also to stores up to 600 square meters
“Extend the dry coupon for commercial real estate up to 600 square meters in 2020 and 2021”. An agenda for the budget law signed by the deputy of Italia Viva provides for this Marco Di Maio, which was approved. “The current health emergency and the consequent economic crisis – he explained – have strongly affected important economic and productive sectors of our country, with special reference to commercial and neighborhood businesses.”
ODG failed in Navigator
The Chamber of the Chamber rejected the order of the day instead of the maneuver to be signed Fabio Berardini (Mixed) asking to extend Navigator’s contracts until April 30. The no, almost unanimously, were 469 while only 16 votes in favor. The government had issued a contrary opinion and nevertheless proposed a reformulation that was not accepted by the deputy who signed the agenda.