In the new provision there are non-refundable contributions for companies in the red zones but also provisions for families
With the Ristori bis decree, “the obligations of publicity and transparency in relation to the monitoring and processing of epidemiological data relevant to the classification of the areas of the country to which the different containment measures are directed are strengthened.” This is what is stated in the Palazzo Chigi press release. The constitution of “a fund to compensate the activities of the Regions that could be affected by future restrictive measures, to provide future contributions automatically” is confirmed. There are also rules “for the decision of the criminal appeal processes and for the suspension of the periods” of the statute of limitations, as well as the periods of custody in the criminal process “in the emergency period.
Non-refundable contributions – An expansion of the categories of activities that benefit from the non-reimbursable subsidy already foreseen in the previous Ristori decree is foreseen, read the Palazzo Chigi press release. For some operators already beneficiaries of the previous aid and with more restrictions in the orange and red zones, the contribution increases by another 50%. A new non-reimbursable subsidy is envisaged for specific companies operating in Regions characterized by a scenario of high or maximum severity. The grant will be paid following the same procedure used by the Agency.
of income in relation to the contributions provided for in the decrees “Relaunch” and “Refreshments”. The amount of the benefit will vary according to the business sector of the year.
It established a fund for regions that could become red zones. – With the new Ristori bis decree, a fund is created to compensate the activities of the Regions that could be affected by future restrictive measures, to automatically disburse future contributions. Contributions also for activities based in shopping centers and for the food industry. Establishment of a fund to restore losses suffered by economic activities based on shopping centers and for food industries with a grant.
Grants to restore commercial rentals – Tax credit on commercial income transferable to the owner of the leased property equivalent to 60% of the rent for each of the months of October, November and December.
Second Imu installment canceled and tax suspension – The suspension of withholdings at source and the payment of VAT for the month of November is foreseen for those individuals who carry out economic activities that have been unemployed. The cancellation of the second tranche of the Imu is foreseen for the companies that carry out the activities admitted to the subsidy. For the activities that operate in the yellow areas, the contributions to social security and assistance are suspended for the month of November. For those in the orange and red areas, the suspension is recognized for the months of November and December. Regarding the subjects who carry out economic activities for which the synthetic fiscal reliability indexes (Isa) have been approved and who operate in areas of the national territory characterized by a scenario of maximum severity and high level of risk, the extension to the April 30, 2021 of the payment of the second or only installment of the Ires and Irap deposit.
Babysitter bonus and extraordinary license – In the red regions where the suspension of school activities in the second and third grade of Baccalaureate is provided a nanny bonus of 1,000 euros and, in the event that work performance cannot be carried out in an agile mode, extraordinary leave with recognition of an allowance equivalent to 50% of the monthly salary of the dependent working parents.