
Provincial and school classifications for the 2020/21 and 2021/22 biennium: numerous School Offices have published the lists since September 1, respecting the calendar established by the Ministry. Some offices posted in the following days, some provinces are still missing.
Among them precisely the province of Milan, whose school office received a large number of applications. They range from 5,276 for childhood and 6,158 for primary, to 4,578 for A047 Mathematical sciences applied to 3,902 for Art and image in lower secondary school. The numbers for each kind of competition.
It must also be said that it was not until August 28 that the School Office delivered the delegation to the polo schools for the evaluation of individual competition classes, a list that was later finalized on September 1.
Consequently, the School Office was unable to respect the Ministry’s calendar. We still do not know methods and times for assigning substitutions, for which it is necessary to constantly monitor the College Office.
GPS list already published
Clarifications from the Ministry on the evaluation of applications