GPS: teachers of the first band with reservation may accept substitutes


Some indications on the subject of the dispute are included in the ministerial circular containing the “Instructions and operational indications relating to substitutes for teaching, educational and ATA personnel, school year 2020/21”.

Some teachers, without qualifications or with the value of the latter being evaluated by the administrative judiciary, by virtue of precautionary measures, were placed in the first section of the GPS and consequently in section II of the school ranking.

The Instructions and Operational Indications Relating to Substitutes for Teaching, Educational and ATA Personnel, School Year 2020/21 contain a paragraph regarding teachers included in the first GPS support and the second GI support, without qualification or awaiting their validation, subject to pending judgment.

Who is included in the first GPS band with reservation

On the occasion of the update of the provincial and institute rankings as of August 6, the Ministry had issued this FAQ

“I would like to enroll in the I Fascia GPS by selecting one of the two elements as access title:

  • Precautionary judicial measure
  • Judicial sentence in favor of the interested party that has not become firm.

Can I also request the GPS of the second support in the same classes / competition venues?

No. In the event of an unfavorable result of the sentence, the applicant may in any case submit to the Territorial School Directorate a specific request for withdrawal from the 1st section and inclusion in the 2nd section corresponding to the one requested and for the same province and the same charges indicated in the ‘example. The insertion will take place in a manner that will be announced later.

Teachers with pending qualification validation reservations, included in the first GPS band

Consequently, in the top-level GPS rankings that the School Offices are publishing these days, candidates with reservation are included, without qualifications. The same names will be present in group II of the school ranking of the schools they have chosen.

N.B. The effectiveness of the reserved entry must be preserved at the time achieved, for the purposes of its inclusion in GPS Band I or in GI band II as provided in OM n. 60/2020, exclusively for the case in which the relative sentence is not defined by sentence or in execution of any judicial measure favorable to the applicant.

At the time of the judgment on the merits, which proves the absence of the qualification value of the qualification exercised, the Trades will proceed to the exclusion of the aforementioned bands and the relocation of the subject, if obviously in possession of the relative qualification, in bands II corresponding. GPS and III GI bands. The modalities will be announced later.

Termination of the contract of the teacher to whom an unfavorable benefit is attributed

In any case, the fixed-term employment contract, to which the applicant is summoned for inclusion with reservation in the relative provincial or institute ranking, must include express termination clause.

Provincial GPS rankings: assessable ratings and services, GPS support, musical instrument, complaints. OFFICIAL clarifications from the Ministry
