Provincial rankings and institutes for substitutes for the 2020/21 school year: further clarifications from the Ministry for the validation of the rankings and preparation of the school rankings.
Access title
The Ministry recommends as a priority the verification of the admission ticket.
Applicants have declared possession with relative scores. The educational institution will be in charge of deepening and immediately verifying the correspondence of the declared qualification with the provisions in point A of the tables attached to OM 60/2020 in relation to the different rankings and with the current regulations of the competition classes.
In particular, for the bands, It will also be verified that the applicants have entered the qualification title or the specialization title in the support provided by current legislation.
For the II bands, The correctness of the qualification and its integrity must be additionally verified, with reference to the cases of achievement of the educational credits foreseen for the relative class of competence and the qualifications referred to in article 5, paragraph 1, letter b), of the Decree Legislative n. lgs 59/17 (24 CFU).
It is recommended to pay maximum attention to second-level support rankings, for which the access requirement is to have performed at least three years of service in support to the specific degree: the lack of the requirement determines the elimination of the relative ranking.
In the case of invalid entries, the DS does not sign the contract or resolve it and immediately communicates it to the territorial scope to monitor the competition.
More clarification
Other title: the computerized procedure has automatically reduced the score in the case of an admission qualification declared simultaneously as an additional qualification, taking into account the date obtained. Remember that qualifications can only be declared once for each ranking. Any scores attributed with a different assessment by the operational office should be reduced during the validation phase.
Bachelor / Diploma Level I: The three-year degree or the first level academic diploma can only be evaluated when they are not a prerequisite for obtaining the admission degree. During the evaluation phase, it was not possible to proceed with their automatic exclusion: in the validation phase, the applicant must demonstrate the veracity of the statement on the non-preliminary qualification. Please note that this title does NOT constitute access to any kind of competition.
ITS Diploma: with regard to the title of Higher Technical Institute, the possession of the title issued by one of the institutes present must be verified at the link http://www.indire.it/progetto/its-istituti-tecnici-superiori/. This verification was also indicated in the evaluation phase, however what is stated by the applicants requires precise control, to avoid, for example, the evaluation of the upper secondary education diploma.
Research grants: Regarding the research grant, it is recommended to verify the statements. Only the rates provided in table A can be evaluated, so that “Scientific research activities based on grants in accordance with article 51, paragraph 6, of Act No. 449, or article 1, paragraph 14; of the law November 4, 2005, n. 230, or article 22 of Act No. 240 “and, as required by the OM and as specified multiple times, won the individual competition, not the annual fees or the number of
Diploma of specialization: It is recommended to check the multi-year duration of the declared specialization degrees.
Support specialization: It is recommended to verify, in the context of the statements of “other qualifications”, that the candidate actually possesses a specific specialization for support resulting from the frequency of a specific procedure. They do not constitute master’s specialization degrees or variously named refresher courses in relation to students with disabilities, Bes, DSA, etc.
Language certifications: It is recommended to verify the issuance of these certifications by the certification bodies recognized by the Administration and available at the link https://www.miur.gov.it/enti-certificatori-lingue-straniere.
Artistic titles: A precise verification of the achievement of the qualifications referred to in points 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26 of section B, Artistic qualifications for the GPS of the secondary school of I and II grade must be carried out.
Service titles: services performed in state educational institutions were loaded into the system and withdrawn by the applicant. All other services, which are not derived from SIDI, must be reviewed promptly.
Each title can only be declared once for each GPS.
More clarification on school rankings September 11, 2020