GPS, Azzolina harshly criticized also by 5 Star Movement activists – School News


On several occasions, the Minister of Education, Lucía Azzolina, has denied the chaos caused by the decisions made during the survey on precarious teachers. In addition to the many criticisms made by the opposition parties, by the unions, there are also the criticisms of some M5S militants personally harmed by the problems of the provincial rankings of substitutes.

Azzolina and M5S at school worse than PD and La Liga

A well-known M5S activist for many years and supporter of the Movement, with extreme intellectual honesty, declares that Minister Azzolina and the M5S at school are doing worse than Renzi’s Democratic Party.

The M5S activist is also a precarious historical teacher who denounces the various errors that have occurred in Lecco’s GPS rankings and that he learned from authorized sources that as of September 14 they have to redo the assignments of the GPS teachers to the schools.

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For this reason, the M5S activist declares discouraged, “whoever has had the annual GPS assignment and has already joined the service in a school, after a few days from the start of the lessons will probably have to abandon their students and be thrown out. who knows where to start again. ” from the beginning. “Azzolina and the 5-Star Movement, the activist continues bitterly,” at school made more mistakes than the PD and the league combined, especially by letting in pseudo-graduates who ask precarious historians what to do as soon as you enter the classroom. “The M5S activist’s statement ends with absolute bitterness and melancholy:” I’m disgusted, literally disgusted. “

Empty chairs, GPS burst bugs, and the start of the school year

More than 50,000 chairs not assigned due to lack of candidates, more than 80,000 support positions still to be assigned after provisional assignments, another 50,000 additional chairs for the first cycle school to address the distancing of students who should not use the LA long distance education. A gigantic problem that should lead to having about 200/250 thousand substitutes for the 2020/2021 school year. This problem, it is fair to say, is regularly denied by the Ministry of Education, even if the figures speak for themselves and give reason to the estimates presented several times by the unions.

Also regarding the numerous errors present in the provincial rankings of substitutes, there seems to be an underestimation by the Ministry of Education, which only the TAR resources will be able to clarify.

In addition, there is the litmus test at the beginning of the school year that will not be painful and could create very complicated situations.
