Milan, November 25, 2020 – Guidelines for General Medicine on the subject of Making rapid antigenic swabsthe. The text of the provision was compared with the main trade union associations. “This is a very important step – explained Commissioner Giulio Gallera – that enhances and enhances the figure of the family doctor by placing him at the center of local health action. In this perspective, the contribution of general practitioners in the diagnostic pathway ofSARS-CoV-2 infection for a better and faster management of patients with Covid-19 “. What changes?” A new diagnostic opportunity is given through the use of the rapid antigenic swab method – explained the commissioner – whose characteristics allow the execution of the diagnostic test in a doctor’s office or in dedicated areas without the need for laboratory testing “.
Who can do quick swabs with the GP?
The GP performs il antigen test for your clients or those of the associative form to which it belongs, if it operates in its professional studio, facilitating access by reservation and prior telephone triageor, in the case of close asymptomatic contacts identified by the GP or identified and reported by the Prevention Department in accordance with the indications provided by the General Directorate of Welfare, suspicious cases that the GP decides to test in the outpatient setting or domiciliary. rapid or asymptomatic close contacts at the end of the 10 days of isolation identified on the basis of a schedule previously agreed with the Agency.
Positive or negative: what to do based on the result
In case of test Ag-RDTs POSITIVE: for the foreseen cases, the swab for molecular research of the viral genome as diagnostic confirmation. Upon confirmation of any case with molecular testing, the contact quarantine will be indicated.
In case test Ag-RDTs NEGATIVE: considering that the negative result of Ag-RDT cannot completely exclude a COVID-19 infection, the GP / PLS based on the symptoms presented by the patient can decide whether to request the swab for molecular investigation or to continue with the clinical follow-up . In the event of a negative result, the doctor who performed the swab issues a certificate to the patient.
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