Government-union meeting, live call and response between Bombardieri (Uil) and Conte. Premier: “Have you ever written a maneuver with the government?”


A meeting was promised for High voltage so it was. The controversy between government me unions even after the last meeting between the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, and the general secretaries of Cigil, Cisl me Uil in budget lawThe latter being the one who began to complain that the meeting was held only after the approval of the text in the Council of Ministers. But an element of friction was also the methods of conducting the meeting, which lasted three hours and was also attended by the Minister of Economy. Roberto Gualtieri, the Ministers of Labor and Economic Development, Nunzia catalfo me Stefano patuanelli: the secretary general of the UIL, Pierpaolo Bombardieri, had his speech broadcast live on Facebook with Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, who ended up on the direct social network. “Excuse me, it’s in live on your facebook page? Conte asked. “Yes President, I made it clear at the beginning,” was the unionist’s response. “I didn’t hear it, but we have nothing to hide, the important thing is to know. From now on, we can also do a live broadcast. But when did he say that? ”. “When she was absent – answered the secretary – there were her ministers.”

A question and answer to which Bombardieri himself responded on Tuesday morning: “I think President Conte was a bit more sporty. It is a singular thing, given that we have a president who for months every week has communicated to us the Government’s options through the press conferences held on television. We have a group of ministers who, before speaking with us, communicated on all social networks what they had decided in maneuver“He said Radio me too its Radio1.

Regarding the content of the new budget law, the unions complain about the lack of comparison with the Government during the drafting of the text: “We are discussing a maneuver already approved by the Government and already illustrated by its ministers on social networks – declared Bombardieri – We expected a more respectful showdown. We ask the Government for a comparison, if the answers are the ones we registered today, we write them down ”, but“ for such an important maneuver we believe that we have equal dignity ”. In this difficult period “more collaboration is needed but you can’t just ask us ”.

To these statements, the Prime Minister replied: “I have never talked about consultation. I have met with the unions dozens of times, I am the president who listened to them the most, but I never spoke of consultation. Has the UIL ever written a maneuver with the government in the past?“A response that was followed by the proposal to” work together for a global reform of the country. I propose to deepen “the budget and review law” during the parliamentary process. And let’s meet in the Recovery Fund“.

Agreement is not a bad word – replied the Secretary General of the CISL, Annamaria furlan – Today we have to decide what method we want to have. The agreement we made in the last few days about the Covid cash register and the layoffs blocking it was a good thing. I hope that you, Mr. President, want to characterize your government with constant social dialogue ”. And he also complained about the lack of confrontation between the parties during the drafting of the budget law: “I hope not to disappoint the Government, but in the history of the union we are certainly not today at the top of the comparison method. The history of the country is littered with important agreements between the government and the unions. In dramatic and emergency moments in the country, governments have always interacted with unions. I am thinking, for example, of the historical agreement with Ciampi in 1993 on revenue policy when we saved Italy, as the Nobel Prize recognized us Modigliani and later also with the Government Prodi. Not remembering these important moments means doing history a disservice, ”said Furlan.

The confrontation between the parties then turned to the issue of the contracts of the public administration. Prime Minister Conte has made it clear that at this time the categories to protect the most are VAT numbers that “have serious difficulties” and should be considered a priority: “We are in a period in which new and different inequalities – He declared – An official today, who does not move from home, can carry out his business with savings of time and resources, while many other categories are suffering greatly. For example, him commercial business and the VAT numbers have serious difficulties ”.

Words that, however, have not displaced the general secretaries from their positions, with the threat of Strike still on the table: “The Italian State must set a good example as an employer. THE 400 million in the budget law are not enough to renew contracts. It is the second financial below where the resources for contracts are not provided. We are truly astonished by Minister Dadone’s words because they are absolutely out of place, ”Furlan continued. Dadone also ends up in the sights of Bombardieri: “The Minister of Public Administration Fabiana Dadone he says he doesn’t bow to intimidation. We do not know if this statement is made on the basis of the eventual proclamation of the strike, but please explain to the minister that the exercise of the strike is not a threat, it is a right“.
