Sitting opposite each other around the program’s maxi-table, after a whole day the parties that should try to form a new government are registered almost only at a distance. The income of the citizens and Month are to be reviewed, Italia Viva is relaunched, opening the clash with the 5S, who want to expand the first and do not want to hear about the second. The party led by Matteo Renzi then opens a dialogue with the opposition: on reforms and Recovery, the proposal is to give life to the bicameral, with a presidency for minorities. Another twenty-four hours more and the explorer Fico will have to go up to Colle to inform the Head of State of the result of the work of these days, but the Count’s path is still uphill. We fight all day but it also comes. Work on the program will resume today and then the Speaker of the House could also attempt a second round of consultations.
The work on the contents to be included in the “schedule” runs parallel to that unofficially in the boxes of any government team. Parliamentary sources recall that the Quirinale has already defined a perimeter, in the consultations of the last days, explaining to its interlocutors that it would be attentive to seek continuity of action for the key ministries. Which ones are most directly concerned with the health crisis and the management of the recovery plan. A surveillance that falls within the powers of the President of the Republic. And that also applies to the eventual formation of a new executive. The names of the ministers, however, are not part of the official negotiations and, in fact, everyone is quick to deny that they are working on it. Meanwhile, Democratic Party Secretary Nicola Zingaretti supports the owner of the Treasury Gualtieri, who is hanging by a thread, as well as the prime minister: they are fixed points, he says. According to Renzi’s predictions, “by the end of this week we will have the new government” and it should be made up of “capable and deserving people.” But first, he insists, you have to decide the program. The President of the Chamber, after the weekend consultations, set the table in motion but also chose to leave the parties to face it alone. There are about fifteen exponents in total who alternate in the Sala della Lupa: there are group leaders and some technicians but not the leaders.
And it is there in Montecitorio where the distinctions about what to do reappear. A few weeks after the end of the layoff bloc, the Democratic Party is calling for a plan for women’s employment, equal pay, active labor policies, with reform of social safety nets. The review of support for those who lose their jobs is also one of the priorities of the 5S, which nevertheless does not stop putting the introduction of the minimum wage and especially the culmination of citizen income at the top of the agenda. Whoever is known has never come down to Italia Viva, which for some time has also wanted to blow up the president of INPS Tridico and the head of Anpal Parisi. And then there is the Month: Renzi’s party – he says at the table – wants it, at least in part. But the Movement, which has to handle strong internal tensions, does not give up: negotiations cannot be opened on the matter, it is not clear. Then there is also justice: Iv – with whom Renzi will meet again at lunchtime – wants a change of pace, in the sights of the Guardasgilli scene and head of delegation to the government for 5S Bonafede.
Meanwhile, he has resubmitted the Hannibals award to the House, an amendment suspending the prescription reform for one year. But not only. The party led by Matteo Renzi would like everything to be put in writing while the allies are more cautious. It is the Europeanists who are speaking and they say that no document is expected, what they are called to do is “verify” the agreement on the name to take to Colle. That for them, as for Pd, M5S and Leu is Conte. But about what Iv has not yet been exposed.