Government, the last negotiations for a Conteter or a new executive –


The government clings to the movements of Matteo renzi. At the Palazzo Chigi they read the last declarations of the founder of Italy alive as confirmation that the former prime minister will go “to the end”. Which means that starting tomorrow every day it is good that the Tuscan senator withdraws his delegation and opens the crisis. A tear that could lead to a “reorganization”, a Count on having or a new government. “Renzi wants to open the crisis and only then face the new structure” is the idea that prevails among the others. But in viva Italia the atmosphere is belligerent: “If our ministers leave there is no ter, for us with Conte it is closed.” The sequel, for Renzi, is certainly not early voting, but rather another prime minister, who in his designs would have the face of Dario Franceschini, with Luigi di maio as a deputy. The foreign minister stays away from the tug of war and hopes that Conte will find a way to make amends for Renzi, because, as he confided to his followers, “the country will never forgive us for abandoning it in full emergency.”

Premier barricade

In the Democratic Party they expect Conte in extremis to pull a card out of his pocket. “The game is in their hands”, agree the ministers of the Democratic Party and hope that the prime minister will surrender and open himself to the hated “reorganization”. What then would not be so “innocent”, if it is true that the delegation of the head of government is considering sacrificing technical minister Luciana Lamorgese to offer Renzi foreign currency by transferring Di Maio to the Interior. The prime minister appears immobile and entrenched on the upper floors of Palazzo Chigi. Gypsies and colleagues defend it, but things must change, in the sense of greater concreteness and participation. Conte’s first counterattack is an attempt to speed up the recovery. Today the Apulian lawyer will see the heads of delegation to talk about the Covid emergency and also to discuss the new governance of the plan, which Conte had imagined as three (with Gualtieri and Patuanelli) and which could become five, with Esperanza for Leu and Rosato. for Italy alive. On Monday the draft of the plan, revised and corrected after criticism and proposals from the parties, will be delivered by the Mef to Palazzo Chigi. And on January 6, Conte will preside over the Council of Ministers. Only then will it be understood whether the whirlwind intersection of phone calls, the moral persuasion Quirinal and fear of voting will have changed the landscape.

Time is over

“We are discussing – a minister confirms the negotiations. I think Bonetti and Bellanova will resign and Conte will bring the crisis to Parliament. But we still hope to avoid it. The only certainty in Palazzo Chigi seems this. If the Italian delegation alive does not vote for the Recovery, although many of Renzi’s proposals have been accepted by Minister Roberto Gualtieri and by Conte himself, the president will appear in Parliament to see if he still has a majority. A resolution that Renzi, who was expecting a call from Palazzo Chigi for a face-to-face, took like a glove. So “Giuseppi” was burned, he made it clear that he is looking for those responsible to save himself – unleashes a senator very close to the former prime minister. He never responded to Renzi’s letters. Time’s up, or maybe not. At the top of Italy alive there are still those who hope that Conte will respond publicly to Renzi’s proposals (and criticisms) about Mes, Recovery, delegation to the secret services. Unless what Iv’s ‘big men’ have gotten into their heads is true: “Conte fell in love with the elections. He wants to get his list and prepare for early voting. “

January 2, 2021 (change January 2, 2021 | 23:40)

