The government runs the risk of being immobilized by frictions between the majority parties and slowing down its action to undo the knots that will inevitably be created. The warning issued by Andrea Orlando it is unequivocal: to put aside party interests and collaborate to find a common synthesis in the shortest possible time. The Minister of Labor, speaking to the foreign press in response to a question about the relations between the Democratic Party and the League, clearly said: “Beyond the emergency, this problem is destined to explode but it will be contained if, as President Draghi invited to do, we abandon propaganda, the waving of symbolic-ideological flags.“Otherwise the risk is that it may happen.”a government impasse“.
The shadow of danger is constantly present, says the exponent of the Democratic Party, especially “if you don’t give up a dose of propaganda“Orlando reported doing it anyway.”excellent value“with the ministers of the Northern League from Giancarlo Giorgetti, “with which we follow delicate and thorny issues such as industrial crises“, even Erika Stefani”that follows disability a kind of rib of this Ministry“Institutional common sense however.”i can’t hide“the fact that the Democratic Party and the League”programmatic policy options that are different from each other and I would say alternatives“.
The claws between the Democratic Party and the League
From the first days of the birth of the executive headed by Mario Draghi, it was understood that relations would be complicated. To make people argue Matteo salvini ed Enrico Letta It was the question of the Ius soli, raised loudly by the new secretary of the Democratic Party. “Only a Martian, only one who comes from Paris or Mars, in a country with closed schools, closed kindergartens, closed universities, factories in difficulty and Italians who have physical and mental health problems, is in charge of giving citizenship to the immigrants.“thundered the former Interior Minister.
The new number one of the Nazarene in the last hours has launched a hard excavation at the secretary of the League, accusing the party in Via Bellerio of having taken hostage the Council of Ministers called to approve the Sostegni decree: “Too bad that a party secretary is holding the CDM hostage for an afternoon (to no avail). Bad start Salvini“. The response of the leader of the Northern League was immediate, but he energetically claimed the results brought home by the two center-right parties:”There are those who think of right only and there are those who think of helping Italians in difficulties with a decree worth 32 billion. Enough of the controversy, Enrico, keep calm“Read also this morning in Twitter has increased the dose: “It is Salvini who must explain why he supports a government with this program; a large party like the League must motivate not in front of a coffee at the bar because it goes from anti-EU to pro-EU, otherwise it can change again in the opposite direction“.
Dividing the two sides was also the issue related to amnesty. The Lega, with the Forza Italia side, had requested the balance and withdrawal of the folders up to 5,000 euros and until 2015. In the end, the meeting point was found as a result of the cancellation of old files. , but only with an income from the Irpef that does not exceed 30 thousand euros and until 2011. In the CDM the Democratic Party and Leu had strongly opposed the amnesty, so much so that Orlando had asked the companions of the 5 Star Movement to give a He passed. forward: “On the one hand, there is our historic opposition to amnesty measures. I know this is your historical position, but this alliance must favor an evolution.“.
The obstacle is 100
One of the next obstacles will be 100. Several weeks ago Salvini pointed out that, in view of the impending economic difficulties, including the liberation of layoffs, “Many entrepreneurs will be forced to give up some collaborators, so touching 100 and raising the retirement age in a year like this, or the next, would seem like a sensational mistake.“. The extension of 100 until the end of 2022”It’s free“.
But on this point the Minister of Labor was clear: “It will not become an issue of political priority until we have started working on two other issues that I think are more important at the moment: the reform of the buffers and the start of a discussion with the regions on active policies.“Meanwhile, work and study commissions on pensions have been activated to evaluate what went wrong and what produced the 100 quota.”Then we will start a discussion but we don’t want to put too much meat on the fire, you risk burning it.“Orlando added.