Government, the crisis. The 40 rebels of the 5 Star Movement: “Either Joseph or separate”


Government, the crisis.  The 40 rebels of the 5 Star Movement:

The first question is related to the attitude to be taken towards Renzi. Vertices M5S they will go today to Quirinal to relaunch the name of Conte, but the conscience is that the numbers are hidden and that, therefore, it will be necessary to follow the path of compromise with the former prime minister. And, therefore, the question is whether or not to accept a reversal in the prescription reform, sacrifice or not Bonafede (yesterday he presented the report on the state of justice at the Palazzo Madama), say yes or resist in the Month . Some of the deputies and senators no longer want to submit to the threats of the Rignano senator (so much so that there is the possibility of formalizing the veto against Mattarella); another, on the other hand, would accept honorable conditions, in the first place transferring the head of the delegation to a place other than via Arenula.

The second question is linked to the future of the Movement if the Conteter option no longer existed. What would happen? “The risk is that the Movement will split”, the conviction of the great pentastellati. The other unknown is what would be the fate of the former prime minister who resigned. In the event of elections – point out several exponents of the M5S – he would run, and has already made it known, as the first candidate of a coalition formed by M5S, Pd and Leu. But there is a risk. “Conte wants his list, we cannot accept it,” they explain. One last doubt: if Conte can’t train a new executive, who should M5S bet on? On the table there is a political option (Di Maio considered by all as the figure that can attract the most consensus) or an institutional option (the president of the Fico Chamber). And even in this scenario, M5S could be divided, because at least twenty MPs (yesterday there was a video liaison meeting) and so many senators are willing to go with the resigning prime minister to the end, shouting “Conte death”.

In short, if Conte, considered the equilibrium point on the red-yellow front but also on M5S, were to disappear from the radar, the 5Stelle Movement would fall into a state of chaos. And the Contiani press for the vote, because “we cannot accept Renzi’s diktats. How do we present ourselves in our territories? “Asks a pentastellate in Montecitorio.

Therefore, a phalanx would be willing to sacrifice itself. And he invites Crimi and the other ministers to accompany Conte to the end. Or even up to the vote: ‘Everyone – observes a deputy – should understand that only Conte can guarantee us a future. So let’s put him in charge of our army, prepare the troops and start an anti-Renzi campaign. Di Battista has made it clear that he is of this opinion: «It is time to be united and compact as we are once again. I started to criticize the Movement, now I defend it, “he observed. “If you choose the path with Renzi, there is a division,” says one of the Orthodox. “If you choose a name that is no longer a Count – explains a senator – you must accept immediately. Finding a single solution together. “Fico’s card could only be digested if he had the investiture of the first position of the state but many look at the hypothesis of a technical executive -lamorgese or Cartabia the names- in which a great M5S like Di Maio could have the role of deputy prime minister.

The issue of the relationship between M5S and Conte will dissolve. There are several who criticize the latest movements of the outgoing prime minister. The responsible operation strategy is at Palazzo Chigi, but it was not appreciated by many. In fact, shaking up Conte’s party for some ministers has weakened the position of the outgoing prime minister as well. “He was wrong” is the opinion of a five-star wing. But there is also on the table an offer sent to Conte, that of being a noble father, to replace Grillo as guarantor of the Movement. Conte refused. He points to a new government or the ballot box and hopes that everyone in M5S FOLLOW IT.

