Government, Salvini calls the willing. The plays of the League to overcome the executive Conte – Il Tempo


Tommaso Letter

A “call” to the men and women of “good will” who, in Parliament, say they are willing to collaborate in the formation of a “serious” center-right government to overcome the “stagnation” imposed by the “quarrelsome” Count II. The call comes from Matteo Salvini with a maneuver that seems more aimed at embarrassing the majority forces than at achieving something in practice, given the numbers of the House and Senate. Lega, Forza Italia, Fratelli d’Italia and the “little ones” from Nd, Udc and Cambiamo can, in fact, have 266 deputies in Montecitorio in total and they are exactly 50 short of reaching the absolute majority of 316. Even in Palazzo Madama , where the situation is more favorable, the 139 center-right senators still have 22 votes short of reaching an absolute majority of 161. But the head of the League insists with the invitation.

“We have crazy people in the government. There are 60 million Italians concerned about their health, there is an economic crisis that is affecting millions of homes and the government is thinking of reorganizing ”, he attacks. «In a serious moment like this I say” Either rule or move. ” Or the center-right, which is the majority in the country, makes proposals. We are missing some votes in Parliament – he maintains – There are 20 people of good will who say that instead of sitting still with Conte, we choose five things to do and give ourselves a few months to do them. «I am not thinking of any government with Conte, Renzi, Di Maio or Zingaretti – he insists once again. I refuse to think that this government will last for two years. What is the alternative? Look for a majority around the center-right that is a majority in the country and, for a time, is not a majority in Parliament. “In the Senate, with some fifteen people of good will, there can be a center-right majority. So we are not going to look for anyone or build maneuvers ”, he adds.

The appeal was launched in the morning and was later reiterated in a Christmas greeting interview with Annalisa Chirico, in which the secretary of the Northern League speaks for the first time about overcoming the sovereign era, impressed his party with the conquest of the secretary in 2013. “Do you define yourself as a sovereignist?” Asks the journalist. “No, I define myself as Italian,” Salvini replies. «They are outdated categories, from the last century, historically stimulating, but outdated: fascist, communist, right wing, left wing, populist, sovereignist, pro-European. I think Covid forces us to change gears: common sense, concreteness, development. The word that should never be set aside is freedom. If you ask me based on what principles I would like to govern the country again, I answer freedom. Freedom of education, care, thought and speech and business ».

To Chirico, who asks him which figures he is thinking of for a hypothetical center-right government, Salvini responds with a flourish of “Giuli”: Giulio Sapelli (Lega Nord’s first proposal for prime minister of the government with 5 stars) and Giulio Tremonti, as consultants. economic, then Giulia Bon Giorno as Minister of Justice. Do you trust Matteo Renzi? “Zero,” he replies. But more than I think, I think it is the Italians who do not trust him who have identified the character. “I plan to return soon to the government of the country that has good relations with the European institutions,” he adds. Two infractions have arrived from the EU, one that compromises the management of the beaches and the second to increase taxes in Italian ports. The third “gift” they want to give us is to impose the VAT number on the volunteer. If these things come from Europe, I say no but not because it is sovereign or rare but because I think they are mistakes.
