Government, Rosato (Italia Viva): “Confidence is gone, Conte wasted it”


“Even the ministers of M5 did not appreciate that the prime minister sent the distribution of the 210 billion euros Recovery Fund at 2 in the morning without discussing it with anyone, secreting the projects, approve them at 9 in the CDM ”, specifies the president of the deputies of Italia Viva.

The resignation of the ministers “Renzi does not have them ready, the ministers have them ready: they are the ones who resign, it is not Renzi who makes them resign,” he continues.

M5: “There is no availability in the reorganization hypothesis” – The thesis reported according to which the 5-Star Movement would be available to open the reorganization and change some members of its government team “is, in fact, a thesis. There is no element to support it.” This was reported by the M5, reiterating that “it has already officially clarified on several occasions its only position on this issue”, which is that of “a clear opposition to the reorganization hypothesis and full satisfaction with the 5-star team.”
