The first Minister, Giuseppe Conte, described as “historic” the agreement reached in the European Council that ended yesterday on the Recovery Fund, which will guarantee Italy the possibility of spending more than 200,000 million euros for the recovery after the crisis caused by the pandemic. “It is a Council of the EU that can be defined as historic, another step forward to finalize the program of resources,” said the Recovery Fund. “We have achieved this without renouncing any of our principles, we have reaffirmed the principle of the rule of law.”
However, the tensions within the majority, linked to the structure that will have to decide how to allocate the resources guaranteed by the European plan, are increasing. The prime minister says it clearly: “To move forward you need maximum cohesion, mutual trust and utmost determination. We face too complex challenges that cannot be faced if there is not full conviction, determination and convergence on the part of all the components towards the same objective that can only be the good of italy“Conte, responding to a question about the possibility of a government crisis (and early elections), acknowledges the existence of” very critical instances that have been represented in a very resonant way. “Now, he adds,” we have to understand what they hide What objectives, we will do this by meeting with the delegations of the individual majority forces. We need transparency. There is already collegiality, but obviously it is not enough. The premier added that he had received a message from the leader of the League, Matteo Salvini, requesting a confrontation. “I replied that the confrontation table is always open” and that “we will also discuss with the League and the other opposition forces that wish to do so.”
Renzi: “Conte apologizes or there are numbers for a new executive”
What did the prime minister mean by “very critical instancesIt is evident when scrolling through the pages of the Spanish newspaper. The country. It is in that newspaper where the leader of Italy lives Matteo renzi gives extremely harsh words, inviting Conte to “apologize” and withdraw the proposal for a control room for the management of the recovery fund: “Otherwise, there are numbers to choose a new executive. Before we get to this, I would like to that the Prime Minister regain his peace of mind and come to Parliament to change everything.
Bonafede: “Irresponsible attack”
The response came from the Head of Delegation of the M5S and Minister of Justice Alfonso Bonafede: «It is irresponsible to attack the government to which you belong, also from a foreign newspaper, even threatening a crisis while the European Council is still running and Italy asserts its reasons. This means deliberately undermining Italy internationally. Not only is it not acceptable, but it is disrespectful to all Italians.
The position of Zingaretti and Bettini
The leader of the Democratic Party, Nicola Zingaretti, on Thursday invited everyone, in the government and in the majority, to “take a step forward”, leaving aside “irresponsible rigidities and misunderstandings.” The crisis, in short, no longer seems to be just a threat from Renzi: but also the fear of those who, among Democrats, believe that tensions between the parties on too many fronts could lead to a fall of the executive “in the dark.” So that Goffredo Bettini, one of the councilors most listened to by Zingaretti, in an interview with Corriere explains that “the proposal that the majority will have to approve in Parliament requires a convinced convergence of the social forces and the parties that support Conte. Collegiality is needed: the resources we have available once consumed will never return. The solemnity of the moment must be grasped by all. If the current executive imploded, for internal reasons and not for the opposition, in my opinion it would be impossible to continue the legislature with other solutions. No one could propose credible hypotheses anymore. At that time I think the ballot box is inevitable. And all will have to answer for their share of responsibility for having led the country, at such a delicate moment, to the adventure of new elections.
Article updating …
December 11, 2020 (change December 11, 2020 | 13:46)