Government, Renzi boasts to the Press: “From a tactical point of view, I made a masterpiece, I put them all with their backs to the wall”


“From the point of view tactical I made a masterpiece, because I put them all with their backs to the wall ”. While in Europe more and more countries are closing their borders to UK for the new Covid variant and in Italy the fear of some suspected cases increases, Matteo renzi he insists on threats to the government and is pleased to have put Conte and the majority “in a dead end”. As the newspaper reports The impression, the leader of Italy Long Live would have told his followers that now there are only two solutions: either the prime minister “gives true answers to what I asked him, but is in no condition to do soor step aside. It is the most likely pattern of this game“For the senator from Rignano everything is a question of strategies, because” politics is now this, also because we still have the electoral system as Rosatellum and with the Rosatellum everything is only tactics“.

Therefore, Renzi intends to stay and wait for Conte to make his move. According to the Roman newspaper, he even reproached Ettore Rosato for having attacked Palazzo Chigi again on Sunday. “Right now we we don’t have to move, we have to lock the bolt. “An attitude of waiting that keeps the country under control, just when the contagion curve has stopped falling and the writing of the Recovery plan it is still paralyzed and also seeks to attract government allies. Rosato spoke yesterday (without her knowledge) on behalf of Pd e M5s, arguing that “Conte has wasted the trust he had, not only with us“And even if the angry retorts from pentastellati and dem got very close, Renzi claims that” from the Democratic Party nobody attacks me anymore. Only Franceschini and Provenzano, the government wing, but they are isolated cases ”, reports The impression. “The same Gypsies He no longer attacks me – he adds – because he understands that the tactical scheme I have adopted is being revealed victorious“.

If the prime minister accepted “play the game from the political point of view ”, argues the leader of IV with his men, the verification of the government could lead to its weakening in favor of the majority leaders. “It would mean that Conte is still prime minister but in a government in which he is a lame duck. A count cut in half. “The alternative, he adds, is”technical or institutional governmentBy Mario Draghi or “a person with a similar profile.” Renzi actually claims that “the crisis is inevitable“If Conte does not give” answers “to the document that his delegation hit him face to face last week, postponed several times and in the end only lasted half an hour.

The former prime minister is convinced that one alternative majority It can already be found in the house, but Silvio Berlusconi seems to deny it. “I do not believe in technical governments and I don’t see a new government on the horizon“He said in an interview with Delivery courier, adding that “Forza Italia for the good of the country is available to work with the government there is, even if we don’t like this government. Thus we have obtained several important results in the Budget Law ”. Words that sound helpful for Conte, who in the meantime has made his move: given the urgency of finding a square in the Recovery plan – under penalty of the risk of losing the 209 billion from the EU – has called a new face-to-face with the majority parties, this time on issues, for today and tomorrow at Palazzo Chigi.
