ROME – The State-Regions Conference has given the green light to the vaccine plan presented by the Commissioner for the emergency Domenico Arcuri “Mass vaccination will start in early January,” he says. Today the Commissioner will send to the regions a kind of “instruction booklet” for the vaccine and within the week all the instructions for the administration procedure. 90% of the requests for doses advanced by the Regions will be attended to and this is due to the fact that it has been estimated that 100% of the planned health personnel will not be vaccinated.
The first Italians will be vaccinated against Covid already immediately after Christmas and before the beginning of 2021 if the EMA at the meeting scheduled for December 21 gives the green light to the drug Pfizer. According to what has been learned, this is the last moment that emerged during the meeting between the government and the Regions that gave the green light to the vaccination plan and which will be formally presented to the State-Regions Conference tomorrow. In the next few hours, the number of people who will be administered the vaccine will be defined on the symbolic day, the same throughout Europe, based on the quantities that Pfizer will be able to deliver.
“The vaccination campaign will be a challenge that we will all win together,” explains the Minister of Regional Affairs. Francesco Boccia. “Today we give the green light to the distribution plan and tomorrow we will bring the shared document to the State-Regions Conference so that it can be immediately operational also from a formal point of view,” he added. The Regions have done a specific job together with Commissioner Arcuri, very strict “.
Italy has finalized the vaccine plan following the clear acceleration of the expected European green light for the anti-Covid vaccine from the companies Pfizer-BioNTech. In fact, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) will meet on December 21, and no longer on the 29 as announced, to decide on the approval of the vaccine. A preview of the times also requested by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza and shared by the president of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, who announced that it is “likely that the first Europeans will be vaccinated before the end of 2020.”
In the red areas, infections were reduced by a third. In the yellow ones they go down only 1%
by Michele Bocci
“That of the Covid vaccine is the most important challenge of the coming months. Italy has always worked so that the Ema approval process is rigorous, transparent and fast at the same time,” the minister writes on Facebook. Roberto Speranza. “It is good news – he continues – that this process can be completed already before Christmas. It will mean that we will finally have an effective and safe vaccine available. I have proposed, together with the ministers of 7 other European countries, including France and Germany, that Vaccinations they start the same day already in December. We still need caution and prudence in the coming months, until we have reached sufficient vaccination coverage, but the path is correct and we finally see the light at the end of the tunnel “, concludes Speranza.
For the president of the Chamber, Roberto Fico, there are “no obligations of any kind, but recommendations, with a relationship with the general practitioner, with the pediatrician. The more the relationship with the territories and basic medicine works, the more everyone feels the citizens”. confident in doing what they have to do. “
Covid, Molinari: “We need stricter restrictions pending the vaccine”
By Walter Ricciardi, advisor to the Minister of Health, the authorization of the vaccine “can be done in 24 hours.” And in an interview with Print explains that “after the approval of the EMA, the national agencies will approve quickly: from that moment the vaccines can be administered in the national territory. I believe that from the green light of the EMA within 24-72 hours you can start vaccinating. ” “It will be, he explains,” the start of vaccination, but not massive “because” it is not that from day zero millions of doses can be made: thousands can also be administered because the initial doses will be relatively few. ” achieving herd immunity, therefore, “will take many months: if we organize well, I would say by the end of next year.”
The vaccination campaign in Italy will begin with the first 1,833,975 doses of the Covid 19 vaccine that will be distributed by Pfizer and sent to the regions, announces the commissioner Domenico Arcuri. After the European Vaccine Day, before the end of the year, with symbolic vaccinations in several countries, “the first mass vaccination session will be launched, aimed at the categories that the Government and Parliament have established as priorities,” read in a note. -: health and social health workers, staff working in public and private hospitals, guests and staff of nursing homes ”.
“The second supply of doses of vaccine guaranteed by Pfizer to Italy will be 2,507,700 doses – informs the office of Commissioner Domenico Arcuri – which will allow in the coming weeks to administer the second dose to priority categories (health and social workers, personnel operating in public and private hospitals, guests and staff of nursing homes, ed), as well as starting to vaccinate the most fragile population “.
Good news is also coming for the vaccine from the American company Moderna, which gets a first green card from the American pharmaceutical authority Fda. In fact, FDA staff defined the serum as “effective and safe” in a report released in light of the official December 17 decision on the emergency use of the vaccine. It is 94.1% effective, says the FDA, confirming the results previously disclosed by the company. The virologist Roberto Burioni the study comments: “Moderna’s vaccine appears to block viral transmission. Preliminary data is very encouraging, if the virus is confirmed to be dead.”
Coronavirus, the figures that scare the government: “Rt to 0.5 or in January collapsing medical care”
by Tommaso Ciriaco, Giuliano Foschini
“Now there are the first signs of recovery, but infections and hospitalizations continue to increase in the member states, but there is already good news, the commission has negotiated a very broad portfolio of vaccine candidates and within a week the will be authorized. the first vaccines, so that the vaccines can start immediately. Let’s start as soon as possible with the vaccination campaign together, the 27 of us started the same day. ”Thus, the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, speaking in plenary session of the European Parliament.
The Government-Regions meeting will also have to shorten the distances that remain in the executive on the new measures that will be adopted at Christmas to contain Coronavirus infections. Today we decide what to do also in light of the opinion of the CTS. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte took some “adjustments” to the Christmas setting for granted, to exacerbate it further. But the ministers of Pd and Leu continue to press for closures of the “red zone” on the occasion of the holidays, while the representatives of M5 and Italia viva would be more cautious.