Government, now Renzi to stay asks for a contract with the German. 5 months ago Boschi said: “It is also wrong from a constitutional point of view”


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They say the meeting with the prime minister was positive, but not even 24 hours after leaving the summit requests began again. now Live Italy, word of the leader Matteo Renzi, stay in the majority wants “a german contract“Just that German contract that they had used League and M5 to form Conte government 1 and that the Democratic Party (with still inside Live Italy) at that time did not want to make the pact with the 5 stars. An instrument disputed several times by the Renzians themselves, so much so that, only at the end of November in La7 (Omnibus), the leader of the Iv group in the Chamber Maria Elena Boschi he said: “I thought it was wrong and that it was wrong, even from a constitutional point of view, to talk about the contract when Lega and M5 did it, and I still think about it today, even if the PD and the 5-star Movement they did it”. It was the moment when Beppe Grillo He had asked to relaunch the government pact with a list of priorities for 2020 and the Renzians raised their nose because it is too similar to the formula used by the greenish yellow.

Government, Conte finds Italy alive after the tensions: the Prime Minister has asked for responsibility, the Renzians have more space. From the May decree to the distrust of Bonafede: obstacles for the majority
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Government, Conte finds Italy alive after the tensions: the Prime Minister has asked for responsibility, the Renzians have more space. From the May decree to the distrust of Bonafede: obstacles for the majority

In a nutshell, Live Italy, which in the polls floats below 3%, in Parliament wants to weigh its numbers in a majority that is preparing to face many obstacles. This was what the Renzians said yesterday in front of the Prime Minister who asked him for responsibility: there is collaboration, but the 17 senators what could make a difference Palazzo Madama You must not forget them. We are always below the threat threshold and at the moment there is no interest in reaching the tear, but the wear continues. Especially in view of the next obstacles for the majority: from the May decree to the motion of distrust to Minister Bonafede. But not only that: the Renzians also asked the Prime Minister for signals on a fundamental issue for Conte and the 5 stars such as the prescription. It is difficult to think that the waters can remain calm for a long time and that the agreement, as the President of the Republic has made clear, is not subject to continuous clashes.

And, in fact, after a confrontation that all parties have described as “positive”, today former Prime Minister Renzi granted an interview to La Stampa, in which the stakes are still increasing: “If Conte does the right thing, go ahead“He said.” I don’t have a personal problem with him, my problem is the things to do for Italy. “We propose to the Prime Minister to draw up a German-style program contract to clarify where we want to take Italy: what industrial policy, what interventions for the family, how to work at school “. But more than a proposal, it is a condition for remaining in government: “A storm is coming, for Italy it will be very difficult. Thousands of companies will close, thousands of people will lose their jobs. I tell President Conte: If you want us to continue supporting you, let’s open the umbrella together. “

Renzi later denied that the target is a reorganization, but relaunched what he wants to use as a blackmail weapon: the 17 senators from Italy alive: “I am interested in jobs, not government jobs,” he said. Unless you later add: “If I were to order more chairs based on our numbers, I would have to order dozens. In the Senate we have half of the senators of the Democratic Party, 17 against 35, but ours are only three in the government, that is, a tenth of the dem. But at this stage who cares about the armchairs. I don’t mind rebalancing. ” In reality, the scenario is not so clear and already on May 13, when Palazzo Madama will discuss the motion of no confidence before the Minister of Justice Alfonso Bonafede, Italy alive will demonstrate whether it intends to vote with the executive or not. “Let’s wait to see what it says and how Bonafede intends to respond,” said Renzi. “But it is clear that for us the problem is not Bonafede, but his line. So I would like to understand why there have been these launches: the Italians at home and the Dap take out the bosses? We will try to understand it. “

The former prime minister for weeks has been looking for a reason to confront the executive: from his constant calls to reopen, despite criticism from scientists and experts, to the open attack carried out in the Senate just over a week ago against Conte accusing him. of “populism”. But, he reiterated today, his objective for now is not the crisis: “I think there will be no crisis“, I always said to La Stampa,” but if someone thinks to use the evocation of the vote to keep us silent and well, know that they have made the wrong recipient. “In case of crisis, “The job of the Head of State is to verify if there is another majority or not. Parliament decides and Colle takes note. In Italy it works like this. So of course I hope there is no need for a crisis. “

Between the knots that the Conte government The regularization of foreign workers will also have to be dissolved, a proposal on which Minister Iv Bellanova has come to threaten his resignation if it is not accepted. “You will not need to resign,” Renzi said, “because it is a common sense proposal and it will be accepted.” And that is why he criticized the “almost total silence” of “a part of the Democratic Party”.

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