
Published on: 01/04/2021 6:38 PM
“Everything is still, how it will turn out is still not clear to anyone, including Conte …”. A large minister and M5S photographs with this phrase the uncertainty that snakes in the governmentWhile the deadline of January 6, the day Matteo Renzi would be ready to remove his ministers from the executive, is fast approaching. There The negotiation to get out of the swamp appears on hold, except for possible last minute accelerations.. Tonight at 9pm of the Council of Ministers, it is possible that the Prime Minister will appear at Palazzo Chigi directly for the CDM. But among the Roman palaces the ‘toto names’ go crazy, while Conde Street appears at this moment – but the panorama is constantly changing – the most passable.
Armchairs that tremble, others that seem untouchable despite igniting the appetite of the majority, among those who take risks and those who seem immovable. “When the reorganization machine is started, you know how it begins and you never know where it will end. No one can say that you are firmly in the chair,” observes a Democratic undersecretary.
For now, according to rumors bouncing off buildings, Ettore Rosato -Difficult for Matteo Renzi to join the team, he is more likely to leave room for one of his loyalists- I could go to Defense, while Lorenzo Guerini could pack for the Interior Ministry, with a step back from Luciana Lamorgese: being technical, playing the Interior piece would be less complicated. OR, Another hypothesis circulating, Guerini could take the delegation to the Services, assuming Conte wants to sell it.
as well The chancellery would fall within the supposed wishes of Iv, but Luigi Di Maio would appear among the ‘untouchables’, thanks to the Colle that would have shielded the Ministry of Economy from the hand of Roberto Gualtieri and Farnesina. Among the weakest names are those of the ministers Nunzia Catalfo and Paola Pisano and that of the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Paola De Micheli is once again on the ‘black list’, but also the head of Sport, Vincenzo Spadafora from the grill, would not enjoy the sympathy of the dem. Still at MIT, other voices speak of a possible unpacking of the dicastery – as a result of what happened last January for the Miur – to leave the Transport to De Micheli but to cede the Infrastructures to Iv, a topic much loved by Renzianos. But unpacking would require an ad hoc law, and there is also the risk of exceeding the 65-member government limit established by law.
In the viewfinder, again from Italia Viva, there is also Alfonso BonafedeHowever, with the support of the Prime Minister and Di Maio: it is difficult to imagine that in a possible count the current Minister of Justice could give way to others. Assuming that it is a reorganization to keep the government standing the most viable path, because at the moment nothing seems excluded. Everything is possible, that Iv retires, that the hypothesis of new elections is strengthened or that an institutional government is chosen, given the pandemic that continues to undermine the country and that the Treasury of the Recovery Fund is obtained first and then managed.
And also on the hypothesis of the government of national responsibility the totonomi is staged, among those who see Marta Cartabia, former president of the Constitutional Court, as a possible card to fall, while another name comes from the Council, that of Mario Rosario Morelli, head of the Constitutional Court from September to last December. Under a trace, but shaken like a ghost for months, the name of Mario Draghi, former president of the ECB: his indication would decree the victory of the technicians over politics.
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