Government, including the Accountant General against the Conte – Il Tempo working group


Luigi bisignani

Dear Director, Will Giuseppe Conte this time manage to flatter the latest sacrosanct raids of Matteo Renzi? He has been playing cat and mouse with Nicola Zingaretti and Luigi Di Maio for months and has been doing well so far. But in this institutional chaos at the Recovery Fund, Giuseppi’s fight for his survival becomes even more difficult. Five million poor at the door and a dramatic impact on the quality of employment. With a state and semi-state sector as always untouchable that is counteracted by a collapsing private sector, from large to small and medium-sized companies. A social gap that will cause more inequalities, protests and riots, with an unregulated and smoking Smart working, in which some work frantically while for others, however, it is a kind of Smart holiday, a good excuse, in short , so as not to escape. applications for authorization, compensation or vital financing of companies and individuals.

If this dramatic management continues, European funds will arrive with a serious delay, financing will be frustrated in a thousand streams, in the total absence of a vision of the economic reactivation of the country and with a South increasingly distant from the rest of Italy and from ‘Europe . With the disheartening absence of results for 2021, except perhaps to fill some budget gaps in 2020. All this was also dramatically highlighted during a pre-council of Ministers in which most of the general directors of the ministries attacked the ‘elite of State and non-state councilors, of the Prince-Prime Minister who, despite all the minimum institutional and constitutional democratic rules, intended to deprive the entire Administration in order to favor the “nominees”, elected by restricted televoting composed only by himself and by Rocco Casalino, who was even guaranteed a form of impunity for the next six years, regardless of who will rule the country.

Practically winning a lottery without even having bought the ticket and, furthermore, without any control not even by the Court of Auditors. Faced with this hedonistic ‘libertarian’ drift, even the State Accountant General, Biagio Mazzotta, opposed it with all his recognized authority. And in this chaos, in which Conte wallows slipping, our political leaders are unable even to lock themselves in a room to find a way out indicating a new Premier and with themselves in government. They are no longer spoken, except through newspapers or platforms like Zoom. A political debate anesthetized by windows on a screen where everyone talks at set times, without pathos and with packed speeches. And this policy guided by remote technology only reinforces the entrenchment of each leader in following his own personal agenda: Zingaretti is careful not to lose the match, Di Maio to withdraw it, Franceschini dreams of the Quirinale, Mattarella is undecided whether to follow the advice of the Secretary General Ugo Zampetti, interested in retesting the encore, nobody rides the environmental and digital themes adopted by Elly Schlein, while Renzi remains confused by the dilemma between NATO or Farnesina, between clearing or ducking, or trying to be the kingmaker of a new frittomisto alliance, perhaps also extending it to Matteo Salvini.

In any case, at least Renzi came back on the scene and, surprisingly, again the State Administration, which saw a revenge in its last cry of pride, after the orgy of useless consultants at Palazzo Chigi. With a head of government who increasingly resembles the ‘Man of Smoke’ from Palazzeschi’s novel and who, nevertheless, by dint of surrounding himself with inexperienced super-advisers, still thinks only of his personal ego: with one of his parties? ? Or with a new law firm with dozens of partners? Or perhaps demand the appointment as a constitutional judge, with the aim of becoming a reserve of the Republic? If sooner or later there is a vote, the Italians will think about sending them all to work and not doing more harm to Italy. Mattarella allows it and always subject to agreements with the favor of darkness.
