Government green light to maneuver: stop tax bills | Another 40 billion to counteract the effects of the epidemic


A move of 40 billion – Another 40 billion are arriving to counteract the effects of the pandemic. The 2021 maneuver, recently approved “subject to agreements” by the Council of Ministers, but which will probably take another ten days to see the light in the full article, will again contain measures to deal with the coronavirus emergency, to limit its impact on the world of production and work, to strengthen and ensure health care and at the same time stimulate the restart of the country.

Extended Covid layoffs – Expansion of the Covid dismissal fund and consequent blocking of dismissals for those who use it, expansion of the tax reduction in the South for 5.7 billion and the tax credit for investments in the South for another billion, expansion of guarantees for companies, support for the workers and sectors most affected are just some of the interventions that will ‘double’ as of January 1.

The single allowance for children arrives – Starting in July, the single allowance for children will be launched, which -also intended for the self-employed and incompetent- will replace and enrich the withholdings for dependent children and the current bonuses in favor of mothers and children. The bonus will be added on the fiscal front to the deductions for hiring young people under 35 years of age and to the refinancing of the wedge cut, or to the so-called 100 euros of the salary, which from January, with an additional disbursement for the State of approximately 1.8 billion, it will also become structural for revenues of 28,000 to 40,000 euros.

Stop tax bills, defer plastic and sugar tax – Another extension, but this time by decree, will take effect immediately for the collection moratorium. Agent activity on old and new files and on foreclosures will not resume as expected these days, but will remain suspended until the end of the year. A measure highly requested by companies and taxpayers and that M5S and Italia Viva compete to make a name for themselves. On the other hand, Iv seems to have checked it overnight also on the six-month postponement of the entry into force of the plastic and sugar tax, measures whose overall weight in the maneuver now seems almost insignificant, but that the party – still threatening with not sharing – the rest of the majority the Draft Budget Document that will be sent to Brussels – politically claim it as a victory. The Movement, for its part, has on its part the constitution of the so-called ‘Covid Fund’: a loan of 4,000 million that will be used gradually to support the sectors most affected by the consequences of the epidemic. And to support employment in the culture and film sector comes an ad hoc allocation of 600 million a year.

Another 4 billion for health – The same allocation is also made for health care, to which another 4,000 million euros are allocated to confirm the 30 thousand doctors and nurses hired on a fixed term for the emergency period also for 2021. To protect the health of all against disease, a fund of 400 million euros is also introduced for the purchase of vaccines and the endowment of the National Health Fund is also increased by one billion euros.

New funding for school, transportation and culture – In the school world, the hiring of 25 thousand support teachers is financed with 1,200 million euros when it is fully operational and 1,500 million euros are allocated to the construction of schools. After the controversy in recent days about the spread of contagion on board buses and subways, 350 million are also allocated in favor of Regions and Municipalities to strengthen local public transport, with special attention to schoolchildren. Finally, 600 million are destined to support employment in the cinema and culture sectors.
