Last turn of the table and last chance for the birth of the government. Today and tomorrow Mario draghi watch parties a second time and will have to “synthesis” that he promised to the political forces. Opens the most delicate phase of all: the former president of the ECB has obtained the yes of the majority who supported Conte’s government 2, but also those of League me Go Italy. Only one party has announced that it wants to stay out of the game: Brothers from Italy. So far everything is clear. But now it is Draghi’s turn: he will have to explain with what spell he intends to keep such distant forces united and demonstrate those qualities that are attributed to him practically unanimously. How can there be a dialogue between sovereigns and Giallorossi? Just last night Giuseppe Conte he spoke at the M5 assembly of parliamentarians and pushed them to stay at the table, especially to “watch over” the Lega, a party that “fears” and does not trust. But above all, he revealed that “we will try establish conditions such that some subjects can no longer remain at the table“So this could be the strategy we are working on. I mean, the difference will. Diary: once the emergencies for the country have been addressed, the issues on which the government’s action will be based will automatically exclude one or the other party. Europeanism For example, it will be the founding pillar of the formation of the government, certainly very indigestible for the League. Dividing then could be a crucial question: Basic income me fixed tax, just to give an example. But even there revolution in the environment or even the proposal of one patrimonial. Without forgetting the reforms of the Justice. The team is the other fundamental piece: the model that Draghi seems to want to follow is that of Ciampi Government of 1993, therefore a mixture of technicians and politicians. And even the choice of names, about which until now there has been absolute confidentiality, will inevitably delimit the perimeter of the new majority.
Large majority or very large? – La Colle’s appeal to responsibility is the spark that led most parties to consider supporting the Draghi executive. But between intentions and practice, there are distances (in some cases abyss) to be filled. Let’s start with the Giallorossi: the forces that supported the outgoing government have given their support. But with different lunges. the Democratic party he asked to work in a “long-term government.” For him 5 star movement the choice is much more complex: a substantial part of the parliamentary groups (and also the top management) immediately sided with the No and the shift towards “responsibility” was only possible thanks to the intervention of Beppe Grillo first and then Conte. Only the return to the scene of the guarantor of Movement and his work in favor of the agreement, enshrined in a private telephone call with the former president of the ECB, allowed the collaboration to begin and change the perspective. Because if there is the Yes of the most constant force in Parliament, one can think of working within the perimeter of the outgoing majority. Meanwhile, the 5 stars invoke a “political governmentAnd we await the reconfirmation of your ministers in some of the most important boxes. Does not deserve many comments Alive italy, who said he was in favor of any condition, canceling with a stroke of the sponge all those “essential” requests that blew up the Conteter hypothesis (without a trace of Me the bridge over the strait). And whose leader claims as a great success to have opened the crisis, brought Draghi to command and the center-right (probably) in the majority. Stay Leu, who said he was in favor, but could hardly bear the agreement with the sovereignists.
Here, the placement on the right remains the knot to untie. Go Italy He said it in many ways: he’s there, he’s there, he’s excited. In fact, he has assured future allies that it would not be a “political majority”, as if to say that they are sure that no one will be contaminated and certainly no laboratory is born. They even avoided (by a hair) that Silvio Berlusconi I personally went to meet Draghi: he was officially banned for health reasons, in fact he took the biggest face of all from the cameras. For the 5 stars it is still the real obstacle to entering the government: they can accept everything, but Not sitting at the table with the former Knight and his party. (There are those in M5 chats who remember when Di Maio, in March 2019, refused to answer Berlusconi’s phone call). It is true, there is a precedent and it is called “Most Ursula”, or the vote that united Pd-M5s-Fi for the election of the president of the EU commission. But that’s not enough: it was just a vote, in Brussels, and certainly not an executive project. That is why Draghi knows that when designing the new majority perimeter he will have to take into account the positions of the two sworn enemies and its conditions. The other problem is called Lega. Matteo salviniAfter ambiguities and threats on alternate days, somewhat surprisingly, he announced that the Carroccio is there without vetoes. He asked for a government that is “short and that the elections come soon” and in that he has already differentiated himself from the Democrats. It is said, and it is very credible, that he was definitely convinced Giancarlo Giorgetti. But on what basis is the scheme of the “Everything inside as after the war” Could you see the light? The president said that “it is not easy”, but he does it to have a voice in the 200,000 million that come from Europe. Excellent, everyone agrees on this. But then how do you really plan to do it? This week, to say, the EU Parliament votes Next generation eu and the Carroccio has always been against it. You will vote for from now on and break the board with Brothers from Italy? Anyway, from here to say that a new majority has been born, it is over us.
The team and the agenda – At the same time, discussions on names continue. Maybe never before toto-ministers it had been more difficult. There are no handkerchiefs or indiscretions, Draghi is heavily armored, and the reconstructions are entrusted to the fantasies of politicians and newspapers. The model could be precisely the Ciampi Government (1993), taking into account both technical and political aspects. There are those who assure that they will be “surely for the most part technical”, to correspond as far as possible to the idea of ”governance of the best” announced by Renzi and claimed by Forza Italia. And who, for his part, trusts that Draghi will have to take into account the demands of the parties and in particular those of the M5, which has linked his Yes to the creation of a political executive. The truth is that, if the objective is to gather the support of all the forces, the names on the table cannot be “indigestible” for one or the other, at the cost of losing pieces along the way. The eligible candidate ministers circulating during these hours are mostly grassroots plus on the wishes of the parties and at the moment there is no news that has a real basis. The truth is that the list, once the consultations are finished (Tuesday), will be discussed with Colle and only from there will the final box come out.
Closely related to the names is the agenda of the future Draghi government. The president in charge, immediately after the meeting in the Colle, listed the priorities on which it should move. First of all the vaccine plan and the writing of Recovery plan. So he extension of the layoff freeze (expires at the end of March). On these three points, the executive, in a Parliament called for national responsibility, could reach a general agreement. Of course, not without difficulties due to different positions and priorities. But the real problems will surely emerge if the agenda goes more long-term. Among the priorities of the Democratic party there is for example the tax reform. Which is certainly not in the same positions as the League the Go Italy. Not to mention the hypothesis of a tax patrimonial, which just three days ago called “desirable” too Court of accountsBut he never had hope in Parliament. Leu He said it quite clearly: “If we talk about fixed taxAs Il Carroccio wants, “we are not there”. A very detailed plan of proposals came from Beppe Grillo: On Saturday, just before starting the meeting with Draghi, he published 10 proposals on the environment and youth on his blog. Many of these radicals, since the creation of a Ministry of Ecological Transition the war on environmentally harmful subsidies. But if the ecological axis can work with the Democrats, how will it be reconciled with the other forces that have always favored the great works and incinerators? Last, but certainly not least, it remains the crux of the Justice. his Alfonso Bonafede and the statute of limitations is two governments fell, it is impossible for the Movement to accept compromises. But the chapter will have to be addressed by the next government and then it will make a real difference who sits at the council of ministers table. Here, Draghi should be able to summarize all this magma.