Government crisis: what time does Renzi speak? Conte in search of responsible – Politics


Rome, January 13, 2021 – Duel at the government crisis. Today we will know if Renzi will withdraw its support for Conte, describing the following scenarios. The rupture is in fact, announced days ago and consummated in the CDM last night. Green light to Recovery plan It came with the abstention of the ministers of Italia Viva, Teresa Bellanova ed Elena Bonetti. The confrontation has advanced Me, eternal bone of contention between the prime minister and the former scrap dealer. The crisis still lacks the official status that it should reach Press conference set up to 17:30 with Renzi, Bellanova, Bonetti and Undersecretary Scalfarotto.

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In these hours the work of the bridges continues, in a desperate attempt to heal a wound that seems incurable. “The Conte-Mastella government has been born,” Renzi said yesterday, ready to join the opposition. “If it goes to the end, there can no longer be a government with me and Italia Viva”, the challenge launched by the prime minister who plans to go to the Chamber to count. The prime minister is convinced that he has the numbers even without Italia Viva, his aim is to gather ‘leaders’ in Parliament and establish a new majority.


In the morning Di Maio launches a new appeal: “We need seriousness and responsibility at this historic moment – writes the foreign minister on Facebook -. Let everyone take a step back for love of the country,” he adds. In the same line Enzo Amendola, head of European Affairs: “It is a moment in which we must listen to the country, the general interest of the nation and act accordingly,” he told RaiNews. “There is a method, when you sit down you talk, you listen, you improve your positions.”


Nicola ZingarettiThe secretary of Pd, tries to the last: “Do everything possible to resume the dialogue, the confrontation in the majority, to find a way out of the crisis,” he says. “We work as we have decided together on the legislative pact in certain and short times with common sense and making the common good and good policy prevail. It can be done ”, he adds.

Stefano marcucci, a leader in the Senate, but close to Renzi, says he still believes in a “political majority with Italia Viva.” And he clarifies: “Responsible people are not needed”, implicitly distancing himself from a possible Conteter with different majorities.

yes Roberto Speranza, minister of Leu, during the intervention in the Room the new Dpcm, a message of “responsibility” for unity “reaches Rome like all the regions of Italy.”

Beppe Grillo

Outside the core Beppe Grillo that flies forward, invoking a “pact between all parties.” The co-founder of the 5-star Movement shares on Facebook the open letter addressed to the parties by M5 deputy Giorgio Trizzino. “At this time there can be no distinction between the majority and the opposition because all the representatives of the people must contribute together to support the country, in one of the darkest moments in its history,” wrote the deputy grillino in the letter.

And again: “No one is looking for excuses or pretexts to avoid this great responsibility or worse still to make pessimistic electoral calculations about their future at this time.” So, it is the invitation, “let’s make a pact between all the parties and work towards the search for a common objective that can only be the search for the common good for the country and fill that void and the discontent that politics has.” left in the soul of Italians in recent years “.


Matteo salvini Boccia Grillo (“I don’t care about soups, I can’t have anything to do with some people”), but relaunches a center-right government (with, obviously, some outside ‘help’). “I think there may be an alternative in Parliament, we are ready.” He then lists the “five themes” to relaunch the country, namely, “health, work and business, school, infrastructure and justice.”

There are multiple government crisis scenarios, but all with a common denominator: Sergio Mattarella. It will be him, if Conte went up to Colle after the withdrawal of the Italia Viva delegation, to have the last word. The prime minister is convinced that he has the numbers in the Senate even without the Renzianos, regaining the support of those responsible. Ready to support him there would be about ten members of the Mixed group, three senators from Forza Italia, three from the UDC and, apparently, “some senators from Renzian” (three or four): the calculation leads to 11, perhaps even more (14-15). A sufficient number to make up for Iv’s departure at Palazzo Madama. For the moment Il Colle is keeping it secret, but it seems willing to bless a possible ‘Conteter’ with only certain votes and a new political group. The path that leads to the Democrat-led executives and even more so the hypothesis of a is waterproof Governissimo with Draghi. If all attempts fail, Mattarella would have no alternatives to the technical government (we are talking about the prime minister of Cartabia) to lead the country to new elections.
