Italy Long Live is ready for a showdown with Giuseppe Conte. The battlefield is the points of the Recovery plan and to issue the warning to the Prime Minister are Matteo renzi me Maria Elena Boschi. “If our ideas bother us, let’s go to the opposition – declared the senator of Rignano sull’Arno from the columns of the Delivery courier – I know (Count, ed) chose to go to count in the classroom we accept the challenge“While the former Minister of Constitutional Reforms Republic says that “if you don’t like our ideas, our armchairs are not necessary. In my opinion, Conte trusts deserters in Parliament “.
Appointment after Epiphany – The fateful date, which will sanction the continuation or definitive separation between the government structure and the Renzianos, is January 7. Until that day, the parties will try to find a meeting point on the plan of initiatives to be undertaken for the reactivation of the country thanks to 196 billion from the European funds provided by Next generation UE. The parties have collided hard on this, with Italia Viva continuing to categorically reject the drafts presented by the Conte and Renzi ministers who even presented their alternative Recovery, renamed ‘Ciao’: thirty pages of criticism of the government and only 13 of alternative proposals to those prepared by the prime minister’s team. On the contents we have not – commented the former Pd on the latest draft presented by the executive – An abyss separates us“.
Eight votes needed – If this agreement is not reached between the governmental parties, on January 7 Conte will present a new draft in cabinet, with Italia Viva ready to reject it and its ministers who would remit the powers. It is at that point that Conte must trust those who have already been renamed. ‘responsable’ in Parliament. If there would be no problems in the House, in the Senate, without the 18 Italy Long Live, the majority can count on 151 votes: i 92 of the M5s, 35 of the Democratic Party, 8 autonomy and sixteen of the Misto group considering Sandra Lonardo, Mastella’s wife and now a former Forza Italia member and lifetime senator Mario Monti. The absolute majority is set at 159 because there 315 Senators must be added 2 senators for life of the 6 (in addition to Monti also Elena Cattaneo) who participate in the work. Therefore the executive would miss him eight votes to maintain classroom confidence that can only be maintained by fishing in the Mixed Group, in Go Italy, perhaps some exponents of Cambiamo, the movement of Giovanni Toti. Without excluding possible refugees from Alive italy, not happy to overthrow the government at the risk of going back to the polls. At the moment without the Renzians.
Cesa and Toti: “We will not be anyone’s crutch” – We will see. Meanwhile fromUdc, whose members have been included among possible ‘loyalists’ to the center-right executive, comes the denial: “Once again we are forced to deny unfounded journalistic antecedents. The UDC does not participate in the political theater, we are not and will never be anyone’s crutch“Says the national secretary Lorenzo Cesa. Not also of Let’s change, with All which explains: “Being responsible means, in our home, being consistent with our own ideas. This government does not reflect ours. After reading some newspapers I repeat that out of seriousness and responsibility Let’s change! it will not support this government. Our country deserves more ”. It remains to be understood, however, to what extent the indications of the respective leaders can be accepted by the parliamentarians of the respective parties that, in the event of a government crisis and a go back to the polls, they would risk losing their seat in Parliament for good. Also because in the next round the seats of Palazzo Madama will be 115 less, while Montecitorio will lack 230 comfortable stools: leaving the government now to return to the vote means staying home one in three deputies.
Renzi continues to threaten: When asked if the Conte II government is considered finished, Renzi answers dryly: “It depends first on Conte and then on Parliament, not on me. We, he observes, have written in two documents the things that do not convince us. They are arguments of merit, many. If we had taken the money from Me today in spring we would have more resources to speed up vaccination. If we had unlocked the construction sites, today we would have less money to spend on the layoffs. But if our ideas are annoying, let’s go to the opposition. We have a straight back, we do not give in the content in exchange for three armchairs ”. Boschi, for her part, says she is convinced that the premier already has the numbers in hand to be able to move forward without the support of Italia Viva: “The premier does not answer us on merits and uses definitive tones – he maintains – We have proposed to collaborate for months. However, I see that Conte does not respond to our documents but heralds a clash-clash without a net in the courtroom, obviously he thinks it is the best way. He is the prime minister, we accept his decision ”.
Renzi: “Counting in the classroom? We accept the challenge “- Renzi is also asked what solution he envisions after Conte, if he considers a transitional government led by Mario draghiFor example: “In Italy there is only one prime minister at a time. Today is called Conte. And he seems very confident in the numbers, otherwise he would have used a different shade these weeks. If instead it sinks, we have several solutions which can be evaluated by Parliament and the Head of State. Anticipating the position of Italia Viva now would be disrespectful to the Quirinal. The Constitution says that the legislature continues as long as there are numbers in Parliament, not as long as Conte says so ”. But the idea of a count does not scare, in his opinion, the leader of the IV, who in case of elections would risk not returning to Parliament: “In my opinion he was wrong to close the government audit in this way – Renzi adds – But if you chose to tell yourself in the classroom we accept the challenge. In addition, he did so from the pulpit of a press conference while the Senate voted for the first time on a budget law on December 30, without the possibility of modifying it. One institutional scandal. Too bad Conte preferred to avoid the classroom to find another live television. “
Renzi: “Internal split? If someone goes with the government, that’s fine “- He also says that he is not afraid of any internal split or flight to government positions by his senators: “I am not afraid of people’s freedom. If any parliamentarian wants to support the Conte government because they are convinced by the prime minister’s words, that is fine. I think the prime minister is sure of his stories, otherwise he would have chosen the path of political confrontation before going to the courtroom. Instead, like you, I read your words about the challenge in Parliament and now I respectfully await the convocation of the Senate ”. And even María Elena Boschi says she is convinced that “if we go to the crisis there will be no electionsbut a new government. In any case, it depends on the figures of Parliament, not on the polls of Chigi Palace“And to the question of whether a remodeling can solve the situation responds: “For us the issue has been closed for weeks.”