Government, Count ter unlocks the crisis Close agreement: in Boschi and Orlando


Government, Count ter unlocks the crisis Close agreement: in Boschi and Orlando

However, something is moving. In the midst of a thousand reprimands, the negotiations between the parties travel under the watchful eye of the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, whose sole purpose is to prevent the country from dealing in the dark with a government crisis, in the midst of the pandemic re-explosion . The first step will be the agreement on the next generation of the EU, whose green light should be given tomorrow, or more likely Wednesday, in a special Council of Ministers.

Italia Viva eagerly awaits the text and yesterday afternoon Minister Teresa Bellanova, during the meeting of the heads of delegation to discuss the new Dpcm, again urged Giuseppe Conte. The full text – more than one hundred pages – should reach the parties today and Italia Viva has already announced that it is ready for the green light, as well as for the vote on the budget gap, without subordinating the two issues to verification, where the possible withdrawal of the IV delegation to the government remains in the background.

But everything travels in parallel: Recovery, legislative pact and new government. Count 2 is now considered shelved not only by Matteo Renzi, who continues to keep his guard up. Once the Recovery was dismissed, Conte also promised a new programmatic agreement and a “strengthening” of the government team, which means not a simple “reorganization”, but a change that will also go through a government crisis, with “controlled” resignations. . of the prime minister. In the Quirinale precedents are sought, which are not lacking, so that Conte can resign, leaving the possibility of accepting them or returning the government to the Chambers in the hands of the Head of State for some time. “Frozen resignation” -as happened in the second Goria cabinet that was reborn in November 1987, after the departure and subsequent return of the Pli- waiting for Conte, after passing through El Colle, to verify with the majority the possibility of a new government with a new program so that after accepting his resignation he can receive a new position that will bring him back to Parliament for the vote of confidence.

The procedural process, although after much reflection, seems to satisfy the duelists although there is no lack of resistance in Conte’s entourage, as well as in Iv it is said that “we would have preferred another prime minister, even from the Democratic Party.” But the roadmap, drawn up with the approval of Colle and shared by the Nazarene, in the end seems the only possible one.
Renzi would get his resignation and therefore not just a small change in the government team, but a new executive with a new program. The Prime Minister would be assured that if Iv were to step down from the Conte 3 composition, perhaps seeking a new prime minister or a different majority, he would retain the opportunity to stand in Parliament for the final challenge.

However, the agreement on the program and the government team has yet to be resolved. Renzi announced the thirty “painful points” sent days ago to dem Goffredo Bettini in the form of a document in which there is a bit of everything and would have the purpose of straightening -according to IV- to scare the government’s action. .

But once the misunderstanding about the Bridge over the Strait has been cleared, the knot of the activation of the Month remains for the 36 billion toilets that could reach the table of the program in mini format (10 or 15), although in Recovery the thousands millions for the health system. They arrive at 18. The delegation to the Services at the request of Iv passes instead to an undersecretary. The negotiation with the Renzianos is “managed” above all by Dario Franceschini who triangulates with Renzi and the secretary of Pd Nicola Zingaretti. On the other hand, there is still no direct conversation between the Prime Minister and Renzi. Even if sooner or later a meeting, maybe not two, is in things. However, there is still a good dose of isolation that does not help to make up the crisis.

That is why among the Democrats it is not ruled out that in the end it will be Conte who asks Renzi to join the government to better protect himself against possible new fibrillations. Under the strong push of the Democratic Party and the Quirinal, the latent crisis of the majority could, therefore, be resolved in a week although, especially in the area of ​​the grill, the strong pushes continue for a confrontation in the Parliament that, however , you run the risk of becoming collective suicide.

Last update: 01:09

