Government, Conte su Draghi: “I wanted to run for the leadership of the Commission, but he said he was tired. Do not pull him by the jacket”


It is the guest of stone of all the antecedents on the difficulties of the government, Mario Draghi. Considered – and invoked by some – as a possible prime minister of a government of national unity or emergency in case the crisis worsens. And Giuseppe Conte, invited to the party of Daily occurrence, talks about the former president of the ECB: “When we worked for a new EU commission, Timmermans first proposed but in the end he was unsuccessful. Immediately afterwards I tried to create a consensus for Draghi myself, I would have seen him well as President from the EU Commission. I met him because I didn’t want to waste his name in vain, but he told me that he didn’t feel available because he was tired of his European experience. “



The transversal party that wants Draghi for the emergency

And he adds: “When you invoke Draghi, I think he pulls his jacket. I don’t see him as a rival, but as an excellence.” In short, Giuseppe Conte tries to lower the hypothesis of the former president of the ECB as an opponent and alternative for the leadership of the government.

But, in the context of future scenarios, it also speaks of the race to the highest Colle. And answering a question about Mattarella he says: “I would see him very well for a second term, if the conditions existed for him to accept.” And he adds: “I believe that President Mattarella is playing his role in a very challenging context impeccably, with great balance and wisdom,” he added, “as I move forward I appreciate his qualities more and more.”

The prime minister does not seem optimistic about the outcome of the administrative offices: “I see the majority forces in difficulty in this electoral competition: the center-right is united, while the majority forces are mostly in dispersed order.”

Regarding the constitutional referendum, he is aligned with Yes: “it is a reform voted by the overwhelming parliamentary majority. My opinion is that if it goes from 945 to 600 parliamentarians, the functionality of the parliament is not compromised at all, the cut of parliamentarians does not affect the functionality of the Chambers “. On the electoral law, he opens to the introduction of preferences wanted by 5Stelle: “I hope a reform such as that resulting from the majority agreement: I really like constructive distrust. If it is about preferences, I don’t see it as negative. I like the beginning. I would come later, there have been some distortions in the past, but I like the principle of preferences. “

Don’t miss out on some excavations at Salvini. “The dialogue is constant with Forza Italia and Meloni. Salvini, on the other hand, does not attract.” And about the Municipalities of Rome he is still cautious: “Vote Raggi? It seems premature to me.”
