Government confidence, clarification after the suspicions between Conte and Di Maio. In the Democratic Party the regional “fear”


Focused on the immigration emergency and the billions of the recovery fund, Giuseppe Conte appears away from the whispers and screams of Montecitorio. So far away that at this point in the knots between the courtroom and the courtyard, interpretations flourish as to why the lawyer, generally very generous with appearances and statements, decided to “sink.” There are those who describe him as disappointed by the personal decline of consensus and those who explain the disappearance of the radar with the fear that a blow to the regional it can topple your government. In short, Conte no longer wants to put his face on him and Minister Francesco Boccia, speaking in Apulia, makes it clear: “Let’s not throw the prime minister out of his jacket …”.

The prime minister has garnered widespread trust in the Covid decree, one of the lowest in his dual term. And the alarming thing, which runs the risk of opening up a political problem, is that the most notorious absences have been in the ranks of the M5S. They calm down in the Palazzo Chigi, They note that on September 2 it is “normal” for desertions to occur, but in politics the figures speak for themselves. And it is that, although the 28 unexcused absences in a couple of hours have been reduced to 7, the records of the Chamber describe a Movement imprisoned by contortions and poisons, which does not bode well for the Executive. Undersecretary Stefano Buffagni understood this for the first time, who had already sensed the risk on Friday and started calling the signatories of the offensive amendment one by one, designed to blow up the prime minister’s plans for top-secret services: “Are you crazy? With the tensions in schools and regions, it is crazy to add fuel to the fire. That amendment is a bomb under Conte’s chair“If the bomb did not explode, it is because both Palazzo Chigi and the leaders of the Movement rushed to deactivate it. First the clarification phone call between the head of government and Luigi Di Maio and then the note, with which Conte’s staff he tried to erase “suspicions about the chancellor’s work.” A denial that one of the many undersecretaries, who rushed to vote to prop up the government, described as “boring, not at all convinced.”

Therefore suspicions remain Proof of this is the spasmodic attention with which, between Montecitorio and Palazzo Chigi, the names of those absent were obligatory, with the understandable objective of understanding how much the anti-government frond weighs and if the director really feels at home in the Farnesina. “The geography is very varied, only some names can be traced back to di Maio,” explains a source and says that former Minister Giulia Grillo, another lost vote, has approached Alessandro Di Battista. But the minister Federico D’Incà, in constant contact with Conte, spreads optimism: “There is no concern for the government. It was a normal trust. “It may be, but many believe that the decision to place trust in the measure is an underestimation error or a useless forcing. In most, the tension rises and the fear increases that the No front in the The referendum for the reduction of parliamentarians could grow against all odds, to the point of representing one more threat to Conte. If in a movement without a guide it is now a war between gangs, in the Democratic Party there is an air of congress. And as if the humiliation suffered by the Nazarene was not enough with the programming of the electoral law on September 28, despite the plans of Nicola Zingaretti, now in the wave of the polls there is a great fear of losing Tuscany, historic strong vote from the left. . “Conte is solid and we won in Tuscany,” the undersecretary of the Democratic Party Andrea Orlando crosses her fingers. While former minister Luca Lotti almost prepares to stop the coup: “Giani and Ceccardi are face to face and in any case it is a local vote, there will be no consequences for the government.

A government of which the renzianos feel distant to the point of anticipating “the blow” to the regional, at least that 4 to 2 that would make Conte hesitate. “If it jumps, Draghi arrives”, is the refrain in Italia Viva. And Pier Luigi Bersani warns: “A crisis or a conspiracy in the Palazzo does not lead to Draghi, but to the right. The former president of the ECB only arrives if President Mattarella calls him and certainly not because Renzi or four grillini invoked him.

September 2, 2020 (change September 2, 2020 | 23:18)

