Month or no month – “We are not in love with the ESM, it was not an essential condition, but we have always said that Healthcare needed more money and the ESM was a way to get them at advantageous conditions,” said Iv’s parent company, commenting on the spread trend.
The relationship with the League – Boschi praised Draghi for his “technical profile, but he is a man of institutions and with a very strong political sensibility.” Regarding the school, he added, the premier in charge “is reflecting on the calendar, one of the possibilities is to review it to expand the training offer, especially for those who have been forced to father but no decisions have been made.” a great concern always for the school and the commitment of the principals and school staff must also be recognized ”.
Berlusconi de Draghi – “I do not know the personal relationship between President Berlusconi and Mario Draghi but I think it is fair that the leader of Fi participate in the consultations. It is the recognition of the seriousness that Forza Italia has shown in this phase,” he added. He observed talking about the ongoing consultations and the search for consensus for the new executive.
“M5? We can’t wait for the Rousseau platform times” – The new government targets a large majority: “There are issues in which the differences with the League are clear but we must work on common points for the good of the country,” said Boschi. Regarding the relationship with the 5 Stars, it is inevitable to speak of the Rousseau platform to which Italia Viva “has never spared criticism: we do not consult because we have a different respect for institutional rules, but I do not think the vote will disappear, I think it is only a matter of time, “Boschi explained. In any case,” I hope that the Draghi government can leave as soon as possible, we certainly cannot wait for the moment of the Rousseau platform and I hope that the M5s express their consent quickly.
Vaccines and the world of work – The work of the new government will focus mainly on health and vaccination issues. “For months as Iv we have been asking for a qualitative leap in vaccines. It is unthinkable that there is still no coordinated action with the regions, ”said Boschi. Thinking of other sectors then “the tertiary sector is the sector most in difficulty, our priority is the world of tourism which is objectively on its knees. Then there is the issue of trade, they are the least guaranteed categories and therefore vaccination is the priority, “he explained.” Only a serious vaccine plan can reactivate the economy as well, “he added.
Elections? A streetlight Finally, a clarification on the scenarios that were opened immediately after the crisis generated by Italia Viva. “Those who threatened the elections got
brag. PD, M5s and Leu kept saying conteter or vote, we never believed much in the elections, because our Constitution says that as long as there is a majority in Parliament, we try to move forward and we saw that the conditions were there. . so that there is a government until the end of the legislature. ”