Google Down: Here’s the cause of yesterday’s 45-minute blackout


Nicola Leagues

Google has released an official statement on the of service that yesterday affected much of the globe, preventing many users from using Gmail, YouTube, Meet and the other web applications of the giant.

The reason is actually a bit cryptic and is apparently involved only registered users to Google services. The error was precisely due to failure authentication due to a “internal problem with storage quota“, Whatever that means exactly.

In any case, there is no mention of a external attack or a data breach, which had been readily hypothesized by the conspirators in the case. We have also talked about it in our daily lives. podcast yesterday, which we left below at the bottom of Google’s official statement.

Today at 3:47 am PT [12:47 ora italiana] Google encountered a disruption in the authentication system for approximately 45 minutes, due to an internal problem with the storage quota. Services that require users to log in experienced a high error rate during that period. The problem with the authentication system was fixed at 4:32 am PT [13:32 ora italiana]. All services are now restored. We apologize to everyone who has been affected and will conduct a thorough review to ensure this issue does not recur in the future.

Listen to “The Great Google Down” on Spreaker.
