Whether it is the German model (of the continuous tax rate without stairs and steps) or the more local one of the revision of the current sections, one thing seems certain right now: the tax reform in process will benefit lower-middle wages (up to about 40 thousand euros gross per year), while it runs the risk of being half a blow for those who are above the indicated ceiling. Above all due to the effect of the mix between the reorganization of personal income tax and the reduction of withholdings (for health, home and others) for those who earn beyond a certain threshold. A mix that can cause an irrecoverable loss of purchasing power for the upper-middle range. And it is in this aspect that both the Renzians, with Luigi Marattin, and the president of Confindustria, Carlo, point to the index …
Let it be the German model (of the continuous rate without stairs and steps) or the most local of the revision of current brackets, one thing seems certain at this point: the Tax Reform on the site you will benefit i low-middle income from employment (up to about 40 thousand euros gross per year), while running the risk of being a half bite for those above to the indicated ceiling.
Especially due to the mix between the reorganization of personal income tax and the reduction of the deductions (for health, home and more) for those who earn beyond a certain threshold. A mix that can cause an irrecoverable loss of purchasing power for the upper-middle range.
And it is in this aspect that the index points the renzianos, with Luigi Marattin, either the president of Confindustria, Carlo Bonomi, rejected the hypothesized reorganization: “I think that tax reform cannot be defined as a simple change in personal income tax rates. That is not the way to create more purchasing power: reform means reviewing the fiscal policy system in Italy, which is absurd. ” Therefore, the economic and political game on the tax file is in its infancy. And the deployments in the field sharpen their weapons.
On one side, mel Pd and Leu they push for a rate revision that favors lower-middle income; in the other one, Italy Long Live and a part of 5 stars they also look carefully at the effects on VAT numbers. An arm fight that sees the Minister of Economy, Roberto Gualtieri, testifies to a position of prudence: “We will intervene in the Tax Administration through a reform process that will be characterized mainly by cutting the tax wedge on labor and the general review of taxation with the objective of greater equity.”
Ultimately, the maneuver for 2021 should include a new intervention to reduce the tax wedge (that is, the difference between the net salary of the worker and the gross salary paid by the company) and the start of the single allowance for children, while the IRPEF Reform that will be implemented during the next year through an ad hoc delegation.
The so-called German model takes the lead: the idea of a personalized and continuous rate, calculated for each taxpayer using an algorithm, without corbels and without stairs, arises from a proposal by three academics appreciated in the Pd house, Ernesto Longobardi, Corrado Pollastri and Alberto Zanardi. The effect would be avoid staggered ‘jumps’, obtaining a progressivity without sudden peaks. At the end of the day, however, the practical result would be to favor incomes between 15,000 and 20,000 euros, with a saving of 2 tax points, and those of up to 40,000 euros, with an advantage of 3 percentage points compared to today .
The problem, however, is that above these figures there would be a growing increase, made more relevant by the contextual cut in deductions and deductions for health and other expenses. Hence the slowdown: “At the moment nothing has been decided, neither on the calendar nor on the content,” explains a government official.
On the other hand, the project of inserting a new module in the maneuver is more immediate reduction of the tax wedge and contributory and start the single allowance for children. In this last front, 6 billion should be allocated, which will be added to the approximately 15 of the reorganization of current family benefits, from deductions for dependent children to various bonuses.
While, on the one hand, the approximately 2,000 million euros needed to stabilize the cut in the tax wedge should arrive at 40,000 euros in income from July: the 100 euros in payroll, in fact, are already structural for those who they earn up to 28 thousand euros gross. , while between this threshold and 40 thousand euros a deduction has been introduced for 6 months (until December), which is reduced to zero as the tax base increases.
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