Goodbye to councilman Bertini, dejected by the coronavirus


He died on the morning of December 11 atCareggi Hospital in Florence where for some time he was hospitalized for complications related to coronavirus. After a first stay in the hospital at home, he had been hospitalized and taken to Empoli and to careggi when his situation had become complicated. In recent days, hopes of seeing him return home in good health had waned.

The commissioner Gianluca Bertini, At just 55 years old, he failed, leaving an entire community in despair. As it happens with more and more frequency in this terrible second wave, the covid 19 had entered affecting a large part of the family.

Entrepreneur, athlete, involved in the social fabric, husband of Lina and father of Chiara and Valeria, he had been involved for years in politics in San Miniato, in particular as budget councilor, a position he held with the mayor Vittorio Gabbanini and saved now with Simone giglioli. Although the debut in the city council, as a councilor, is in 2004, when the mayor was Frosini. Bertini had also been secretary of the P.S just when Giglioli had resigned and also executive Cna.

For tomorrow December 12 The mourning of the city was proclaimed on the day of Bertini’s funeral, which will take place publicly at 3.30 pm in the church of the transfiguration of San Miniato Basso and the burial will take place in the municipal cemetery of San Lorenzo. For anti-contagion provisions, a maximum of 160 people are allowed in the church.

Mayor Giglioli

Is the mayor Giglioli, with tears in his eyes, to be the first to confirm and comment on the news: “We have lost a beautiful person.”
“There are some difficult moments – he added – and this year has put us in front of another terrible moment. The news of Gianluca’s disappearance is terrible. I lose an older brother, I lose the person with whom perhaps I have felt closest. An extraordinary boy, with unique gifts. An arm and a shoulder always ready to lend a hand, he did not usually skimp on anything, both in the company, both in the field, both at the party, both in the family and in the Municipality. Our relationship was further challenged by the election campaign, and then when he was mayor, I called him again to be on the board, to take over the budget again.

And he had accepted, with the spirit of service and the high institutional sense, which he has always had. His was a fundamental, daily presence, despite his work in the family business. Always available, always attentive to the needs of citizens. I know how much pain he felt, from the accusations and the investigation that involved him last year and of which the rA great regret is that he left before his total acquittal and that of the company.
Gianluca will surprise me, the municipal administration to which he has given a lot, both as a councilor and as a councilor. His family members, Lina, Chiara, Valeria will miss him, his employees will miss him and many citizens will miss him ”.


“Among the almost one hundred deaths from covid 19 in our municipality – write the council group and the civic committee – there is also Gianluca Bertini, who since 2009 was councilor for the budget of the municipality, first in the two terms of Gabbanini and then, until his death , with Giglioli. He had been affected by the disease at the end of October and the treatment he received first in Empoli and then in Careggi was in vain.

Beyond the sometimes bitter political and administrative conflicts we have had with him, we can only acknowledge himto the sincerity of his political militancy and his civic commitment. His passing at age 55 hurts us deeply. We express our deepest condolences to his family, friends and party ”.


The news of the death of Gianluca Bertini, former director of the Cna de Pisa, aroused deep pain and pain also in the circles of the Cna. “The pain of the family – explains Cna – is joined by the presidency on behalf of the entire association and all the employees. Gianluca was an esteemed person and particularly loved by all for his intelligence, kindness, preparation, fairness. He was always wise and measured in his positions and choices.

In Cna as an entrepreneur of a family that is one of the founders of the association in the territory of leather and Pisano, he has played various roles both in the area and related to his sector (wood), always receiving praise and appreciation for his commitment and his work. . Our condolences go out to the family and the people who worked with him in the company ”.

President Giani

“I am deeply saddened – said the president of the Tuscany Region Eugenio Giani -. With Gianluca Bertini goes a solid and passionate administrator, with high human qualities, dedicated to his commitment and his work who has never taken a step back from his duties. Civil society, politics and San Miniato suffer a serious loss. My closeness is for my family and for the entire San Miniato community ”.

The regional councilor Andrea Pieroni

“The news of Gianluca Bertini’s untimely death upsets me and deeply saddens me. He had known Gianluca for many years and had always appreciated the human trait of Friendly and calm person, protagonist of civil, social, economic and political life. from the San Miniato area. I had a friend, a traveling companion for long periods of my political and administrative experience. Their skills and experiences will be lacking in the San Miniato community and in all of us.

My condolences and a big hug to his family, his community and the municipal administration. The pain you feel so strong will be a warning to all don’t let your guard downul side of fighting the pandemic. We owe it to the more than 60,000 deaths that the country mourns and today also to Gianluca ”.

The president of the regional council Antonio Mazzeo

“There is news that arrives and leaves you speechless. Panting. I still can’t believe that Gianluca is no longer with us and that his 55 years have been taken from his life by this damn virus that he had been fighting for weeks. Today I lost a true friend, a person who was always smiling and kind to everyone. I feel a stabbing pain inside me. I haven’t been able to think of anything else for hours. I wish he could hug his wife, his daughters, his family.

And thank you for everything that Gianluca has been able to give me and all those who have been lucky enough to know him and know him over the years. I will miss you, Gianluca. I will really miss you a lot. “

Azzurra Bonaccorsi and the Democratic Party of San Miniato

Today is a deeply sad day, the news has arrived that, despite the latest worrying news in recent days, we would never have wanted to receive: Gianluca Bertini (55) died from the consequences of the positivity of the coronavirus that emerged more than a year ago. month. . Thinking of Gianluca for our party reminds us of political passion, that of the capital P, formed by activism and constant presence to support each initiative.

During his political life he has never stopped making his contribution, expressing their opinions frankly but always with the right tone, always looking for an aggregator and collaborative thread. In the last 20 years it has been the reference point within the territory for the Democratic Party, especially for the San Miniato Basso hamlet, where it has also asserted its skills at the business level.

In his political career, he had earned respect and appreciation throughout the region, always putting work-related issues at the center of the discussion, effectively representing both the workers ‘and the employers’ reasons. In his administrative mandates, he made his managerial skills and interpersonal skills available to our community. It will be difficult to accept Gianluca’s departure, how many times have we said ‘Gianluca will take care’, always the first to accept a new challenge organizational or any type of event that promotes our territory.

Gianluca was a really good person, one of those who does not know many in life, always willing to be available without asking for retaliation, however, he would have had merits and reasons to ask for visibility but it was not his style. Being with him conquered you, you could only love him and admire his way of doing, made of simplicity, pragmatism and precision. As of today the family of the Democratic Party feels more helpless because Gianluca is not there. We hold on to the deep pain of his wife Lina, the daughters Chiara and Valeria and the entire Bertini family ”.

Federico Pieragnoli and Giovanni Mori from Confcommercio

“San Miniato loses a brilliant businessman and a valid and esteemed councilor, we gather around the entire samminiatese community due to the premature and tragic death of councilor Gianluca Bertini. Of us and the president Federica Grassini We want to extend our condolences to the family, to Mayor Simone Giglioli, to the city council and to the councilors of the Municipality of San Miniato. The commitment and skills shown by Bertini over the years will never be forgotten.

We want to remember his figure as an entrepreneur as partner and administrator of Bertini Pallets, in addition to the skills demonstrated during his position as Budget Councilor in the two terms with Mayor Vittorio Gabbanini and in the current city hall. Bertini has shown great commitment, ability to listen and foresight, dialoguing with loyalty and availability with our association and the world of commerce and business in San Miniato.

It is also thanks to Bertini and the model of comparison established between Confcommercio and the municipal administration that San Miniato expresses today. a value and quality of commerce that represent a role model. A work carried out in full synergy, the results of which we celebrate today, but which would not have been possible without the commitment and availability of a person like Bertini ”.

San Miniato League

“The dramatic pandemic that has unfortunately brought the whole world to its knees has also reached San Miniato with all its violence. Many citizens of our municipality have been victims of the virus in recent weeks. A virus that today also affected a young administrator Gianluca Bertini, a reference of the city council for many years.

Despite the diversity of roles, We have always appreciated the way of doing politics that characterized Gianluca’s action., firm in his ideas, but absolutely respectful of the ideas of others, a good character to which was added a trait of humanity that made him a welcome colleague of all municipal councilors. For these human traits, which are not always found in the political arena, we greatly appreciate it. For this way of doing politics without bitterness, we have respected it even in times of difficulty. We sincerely regret that he left us and we are convinced that the San Miniato community has lost a good citizen.
We express our deepest condolences to the family and the San Miniato section of the Democratic Party ”.

Angelo Frosini, mayor of San Miniato from 1999 to 2009

“The news hurts me a lot. Gianluca began his political and administrative commitment when, in 2004, he was elected councilor and I was elected mayor for the second time. He immediately showed a serious and rigorous commitment and a collaborative spirit.

He was president of the Budget Committee, which he directed, with simplicity and tranquility, during the five years of his administrative mandate, highlighting competence and pragmatism. Qualities that he confirmed and increased even in the following eleven years in which, until today, he has held the position of councilor.

I feel close to Mayor Giglioli and the city council, who today lose a valid administrator. To his wife Lina, his daughters and the entire Bertini family, in memory of dear Gianluca, I extend my condolences and send them a big hug ”.
