the gyms and other sports facilities are expected to reopen on May 25 and possibly earlier in some Regions. The project was announced by the Minister of Sports, Vincenzo Spadafora, in a report to the Senate on Phase 2 of the emergency. COVID-19. Meanwhile, a solution for bars and restaurants linking trade association requests is being negotiated, testing the perimeter of 4 square meters per customer for the first two weeks, pending a decision.
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Upon returning to Spadafora, he announced that the government intends to make the resources available to structures that will reopen but must comply with strict security protocols. The public vehicle that must help sports facilities must be Sport and Health.
The restart of the sports centers will be carried out in accordance with the guidelines that will be indicated at the end of this week by the Scientific Technical Committee. As for the rules for further relaxation of restrictions, the possible stop atself certification. In the next DCPM that Palazzo Chigi will broadcast on Saturday to accompany news arriving on May 18, self-certification should remain only for those who have to reach a different region than the one they are in. Trips that can be done today for important reasons. It is possible that from June infra-regional trips are authorized at least between the low contagion regions.
Finally, it should be noted that controversy is growing over safety protocols for restaurants and beaches. Veneto President Luca Zaia said yesterday “appreciating Inail’s work” but that the four-square-meter-per-customer rule forces many places not to reopen. Consequently, the Veneto region plans to launch its own security protocols, for example, providing that distances are calculated not from where the customer sits but from the center of two tables. But the rules that are very different from one region to another run the risk of being incomprehensible without taking into account that part of the clientele will not intend to venture into places that do not guarantee safety.
The protest of the associations of catering establishments has turned the government against the wall, to the point that two nights ago there was a video conference in the presence of three ministers, Health Minister Roberto Speranza, Lavoro Nunzia Catalfo, Mise Stefano Patuanelli , the director of Inail Giuseppe Lucibello, the coordinator of the Office of Promotion and Integration of Cts Agostino Miozzo and representatives of the ISS. There were also three senior representatives from Confcommercio, including Vice President Lino Stoppani and Enrico Postacchini, number one from Confcommercio Bologna plus category secretaries from Cgil, Cisl and Uil.
INAIL’s recommendation to cut four square meters for people in restaurants, with a distance between tables of two meters, is highly questioned. These rigidities would result in a reduction of 4 million customers in Italian restaurants (60%). La Fipe immediately set foot. Unions also shared criticism with the request to reduce space to two square meters per customer. But the government would be willing to mediate, starting from four meters for two weeks and, depending on the contagion curve, we could discuss everything. Last update: 08:06