Goffredo Bettini: “The signal from Forza Italia must be caught immediately”


″ The time has come for solemn, demanding and courageous speeches. Concrete, but aimed at the hearts of Italians. It is the moment of reason, but also of strength. Of risk. It is the moment of unity ”. This is what he wrote in a letter to Corriere della Sera from Goffredo Bettini, former MEP, member of the Democratic Party, heard as an advisor to Secretary Zingaretti, beginning with a reflection on the second wave of Covid-19 which “is much stronger than what many expected “. “. Bettini maintains that” the exceptional state that we live in suspends the normality of politics. Along with politics, it places the constitutive theme of why we are a community, a people, a homeland. And what will settle in the depths of the world. soul of the nation after this tragedy ”.

Bettini reasons on the fact that “the majority that now governs Italy has addressed the entire Parliament so that everyone gives their contribution” and therefore “must continue to do so with force” because “there has been an opening on the part of Forza Italia” . And the exponent of Pd exhorts: “Pick up without delay. It is a sign. The budget law that will be discussed is one with the concrete governance of the pandemic; moves inside this storm. After the budget law there will still be dramatic months ”.

For Bettini, therefore, gathering this disposition of forces does not mean “that everyone renounces their identity, their reasons, their point of view about the country. Rather, in today’s predicament, it is a matter of practicing every possible way to generously collect the contributions of conscious and democratic political forces, who sincerely want to lend a hand ”. And it is also about “overcoming any prudence or assessment of opportunities, understandable at other times, to resort to the best and necessary energies of competition and political force within the executive, capable of offering, together with Conte, an indisputable point of reference to Italy and the Republic, so shaken and tested ”.
