Go away, I’ll take care of the girls


“Go Paolo. I will take care of the girls, raise them and continue with our projects”. Shortly after Paolo rossi he closed his eyes and let go forever. He died at 64 in the arms of his wife, Federica Cappelletti, who stayed with him in the most difficult and painful moment, accompanying him on the last trip that would have taken him away from his love, from the affection of daughters (Maria Vittoria 11 years and Sofia Elena 8 years) born of the second marriage, and of the child Alessandro (now 38 years old) fruit of the previous bond with the ex consort, Simonetta rizzato.

Federica has her hair tied back, dark glasses that distort her face, undone by exhaustion, she speaks with difficulty, her voice is broken with emotion and tears. He leaves Le Scotte hospital in Siena and surrenders to the media. She recounts the last moments of the life of her husband, the man, the father, the ex-footballer who fought all he could against lung cancer (in order not to give up and go on TV, he gave him suffering injections).

He was dying but he didn’t want to go – Rossi’s wife admitted – I hugged him tightly and told him Paolo, now go, you’ve suffered too much. Disconnect, leave this body and go. I will raise the girls and carry out our projects. At that moment he fell asleep.

With him he closes a piece of the history of Italy that had rediscovered national pride in football and washed away that bad betting story in which Rossi had become entangled. “I had nothing to do but I couldn’t prove my innocence”, he always defended himself like this. He, a striker playing on the edge of offside, was met with an offside run because of others. Boniperti wanted him at Juve, Bearzot ‘toast layer’ gave him that confidence that was later repaid with 6 historic goals (“I made Brazil cry,” he wrote in his autobiography) and the Bernabéu’s triumph against West Germany in the Cup final of the world.

It is not easy to summarize in a few words everything that Paul was. He taught me many beautiful values ​​and taught them to our daughters. I say that after Paolo Rossi we survived. So I will try to do this.

The funeral of Pablito, the forward of the World Cup in Spagna ’82, will take place in Vicenza on Saturday. They will be held strictly privately because Covid-19 and the protocol do not allow a different ceremony, open to the public that would have packed the basilica and the cemetery to give the last goodbye to the champion Azzurro.

The greatness of Paolo was that he could speak to important personalities in the same way that he spoke to the people we met at the supermarket. To do without it is really a lot. But I will have to, I promised. I prefer to think that it is goodbye. According to the son, I’ll have him cremated. I always want to have him close.
