
In Italy, as well as in Europe and the rest of the world, the vaccination campaign against coronavirus. But not in all countries this progresses at the same speed and, exactly one week after V-Day, the first delays are already beginning to appear. In our country, according to updated government data (available on the online platform available at this link), 72,397 people were vaccinated as of January 2. Or rather, this is the number of people who have received the first dose of the Pfizer-BionTech vaccine since December 27. In total, the doses delivered to Italy so far are 479,700: the 469,950 received in the last week of December are in addition to the first 9,750 doses delivered for V-Day. In fact, the strategic plan for vaccines foresees a delivery of about 470,000 weekly doses, figures with which the government hopes to be able to immunize more than 70% of the population after the summer.
But if you look at these numbers, it turns out that so far only 15% of the doses received have been administered. That means just over one in 10 available. In the first days of the vaccination campaign, bad weather contributed to some delays, causing delays in deliveries due to snowfall that affected some areas in the final days of 2020. But this is not the only problem. In the territory we advance slowly. “Regions need to run, no usable dose can wait to be used even for a few hours. We also use the afternoon hours but we run”Said the Undersecretary of Health, Sandra Zampa.
Not all regions go at the same speed
As new coronavirus cases continue to rise across the country, not all Regions proceed at the same speed with regard to vaccinations. And the gaps are huge. If Lazio, for example, has already administered 36.6% of the doses received, in Lombardy only 3% of the vaccines that arrived have been distributed. In Lazio, in fact, of the 45,805 doses administered, 16,752 have already been carried out, while in Lombardy, of the 80,595 doses, 2,416 have been administered.
The numbers vary from region to region. In Veneto, 28.6% of the vaccines available so far (11,119 out of 38,900) have been produced, in Tuscany 24.4% (6,824 out of 27,920). In Campania, on the other hand, the percentages fell: 6,671 out of 33,870, 19.7%. It falls even more in Emilia Romagna: 5,504 of 43,875, 12.5%. In Sicily, 2,471 vaccines were administered out of the 46,510 available doses (5.3%).

Italy and the rest of the world: where vaccines go the fastest
Therefore, there are important differences within the country in the rates of administration of vaccines. The same happens between the different states of the world: not all progress with the same punctuality. IS Italy is among the slowest. The Our World in Data platform tracks how many people are vaccinated in each country: according to the latest updated figures, at this time 11 million people in the world have already received the coronavirus vaccine. 4.5 million vaccinated in China, 4.2 million in the United States. But if the number of vaccines administered with the inhabitants is put in proportion, it seems that the country that is vaccinating its population the fastest is another. This is Israel, which has already vaccinated more than 11% of its population.
United Kingdom and United States are 1.47% and 1.28% respectively. In China it stops at 0.31%. In Germany 0.23%. In Italy the percentage falls: we are at 0.09%. Before us not only the world average, but also several countries such as Oman, Poland, Portugal or Croatia. Perhaps it is still too early to summarize the speed of the vaccination campaign, but the truth is that there are numerous differences both between the different countries of the world and in the territories within the same state.

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