In a video posted on social media a few months ago, Zuccatelli argued that the masks weren’t necessary, but the distance was enough. The images have circulated again on Facebook and Twitter and have already unleashed the media storm on social networks. He, in a note, clarifies: My misstatements, improperly extrapolated from a private conversation, date back to the first period of spread of the infection. “
Yesterday, the Council of Ministers appointed Giuseppe Zuccatelli as the new ad acta commissioner for the health of Calabria in replacement of General Saverio Cotticelli who, in an interview, had admitted that he was not aware of the Government’s provisions for the management of the Coronavirus emergency ( LIVE UPDATES). But today the first headaches for Zuccatelli and the government immediately come from social media. “No masks are needed. Distance is needed. To infect me, I would have to kiss you for 15 minutes. ” These are the words used, in fact, by the new commissioner in a video posted on Facebook and Twitter and with which he seems to strongly question the usefulness of protection devices. The images refer to a few months ago, but, just after the appointment as the new Calabrian health commissioner, they are circulating on the web again.
Zuccatelli’s video
“You need the distance. Because to contract the virus, if it were positive – Zuccatelli said in the video – you would have to stay with me and kiss me for 15 minutes. Otherwise, you will not get the virus. The virus traps you if the drops of saliva reach you for at least 15-20 minutes. “The images date from April during an encounter with a group of Femen.
Zuccatelli’s response to the video’s statements.
The new Commissioner, in a note, contextualized the statements made previously, explaining them and denying their content. “The masks are part of the fundamental strategy to combat Covid 19. Therefore, I invite everyone to use them, as well as to respect physical distance,” the text reads. Zuccatelli clarified that the phrases had been pronounced at the beginning of the pandemic when “the international scientific community believed that the use of masks should be reserved only for the infected and health professionals.” “The experience of the last months, however, has taught us that it is a virus in many ways still unknown – continues the note – due to its evolution and mode of spread. Knowledge has been consolidated over the months, according to the scientific studies carried out. “” My erroneous assertions, improperly extrapolated from a private conversation – concluded the Commissioner – go back to the first period of spread of the infection. “
Who is Giuseppe Zuccatelli?
Calabria’s new ad acta health commissioner, considered close to the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, has a long experience in the field of health management. He was president of Agenas and also held management positions in Campania and Abruzzo. In December 2019 he was appointed in Calabria to head the “Pugliese Ciaccio” hospital company and the “Mater Domini” university hospital in Catanzaro, and for a short period he was also extraordinary curator of the ASP of Cosenza. Positive result for Coronavirus, although asymptomatic, the quarantine is currently ending.