Goodbye darkness, goodbye raven lock. Giuseppe Conte and the significant details of his last highly controversial press conference in late 2020, posted by Fabrizio Roncone at the Corriere della Sera. “At first glance, news immediately”, we read in the background “in color”: the premier “after months, renounces the favor of darkness and decides to speak with the light that filters through the large windows of Villa Madama”. The poisonous reference is to the dozens of press conferences organized (and often delayed for several hours and a half) well past dinner time, haggling news and evening talk and cornering the newspapers themselves. And then that detail, which is not so superfluous: Conte spent perhaps the most difficult year in Italy as a protagonist since the second postwar period until today, and the lawyer’s relaxed and somewhat pious expression seems today a distant memory. “What a year – Roncone points out -. What an effort (Conte, at the temples, White hair) “. And this time perhaps the parenthesis was not necessary.