“A colossal misunderstanding.” Giuseppe Conte the long day of Me It began Wednesday morning in the House and continued in the Senate. And for this he decides to bring together the journalists who followed him up to Council of the EU where the prime minister came without a plan or the green light to turn on Recovery plan. A political and diplomatic disaster that Conte tries to put out in every way. As reported by the Corriere della Sera, the prime minister “wants to convince” journalists “that the majority of the ESM has shown strong cohesion.” Matteo renzi, which even in the end voted yes in Parliament to reform the rescue mechanism, does not think so and at Palazzo Madama, a few hours earlier, clearly referred to the government crisis possible.
“The debate has acquired misleading tones and content. We cannot allow the political dialectic to submerge us in a sterile condition of detachment from the urgencies of the country. This noisy questioning between us makes no sense, while the citizens wait and run the challenges”, it is the formula with which the prime minister tries to hide the dramatic turbulence within the majority. And he tries to reassure Renzi and Italia Viva about the governance of the Recovery Plan: “It will have follow-up tasks but it will not take away powers and competencies from the ministries. Politics will not be in charge, certain times and speed must be ensured. planned for a saving clause in case the central administrations cannot intervene to exercise alternate powers. “An extreme attempt, because on Wednesday morning the ministers of IV Bonetti and Terranova announced their resignations in case of confirmation of the working group envisaged by the first draft of Conte “. The heads of mission will remain – assures Conte -. We need a structure that guarantees the monitoring of works and compliance with deadlines. All this will not enter into a maneuver but in a specific decree law – As Renzi asks -. We will find the right formula in our own headquarters, government and CDM. “My best wishes.