Giuseppe Conte: “New restrictions, but the country cannot endure a new blockade”


“Some new restrictive measures” arrive for Christmas. “We have already prepared a plan specifically dedicated to the Christmas holidays. We are thinking about it. We must avoid a third wave at all costs, ”Giuseppe Conte said in an interview with the press, stressing that there will be no national blockade as in Germany. The prime minister launches an appeal to Italians – “be responsible” – after the images about the Christmas shopping gatherings.

Another strong issue, government verification. Term that Conte does not like. Like reorganization, “another bad word.” But the resistance test to the force of the majority will have to lead to a renewed unity, he explains. “We will listen to all parties, to ensure that government action is restarted in a more cohesive and shared way,” said the prime minister, stressing that the executive “must move forward, but under certain conditions and not at any cost. he can govern if there is mutual trust. ”Today the meeting with Matteo Renzi.“ I will listen to him, ”says Conte, rejecting in the interview the two accusations that come from the leader of Italia Viva. First of all, on the accusation of wanting to be solely responsible , the premier says that “this is all nonsense, I am perhaps the premier who has used the most popular method in recent years”; secondly, on the creation of a foundation on cybersecurity, he tells Renzi to take it out ” with Gentiloni, who had proposed it when he headed the government, but not with me. “In short, however, Conte says:” I don’t want to float “and also” I have my suitcase always ready, at any time. ”

A new grip on Christmas, but “the country cannot handle a new lockdown.”

“The situation is delicate. But our measures are working, they are allowing us to regain control of the epidemiological curve. The zoning system and the subdivision of regions by color is paying off. We have avoided a generalized lockdown, an extreme measure that is now imposed by Germany and also other countries such as Great Britain and the Netherlands. Fortunately, with these well-calibrated and circumscribed measures, we are bearing the impact of this second wave well. Obviously, I am saddened by the number of deaths, which is still high, ”says Giuseppe Conte. On the number of deaths he explains: “This sad record depends on the fact that the index is slowing down more slowly than the other countries that have introduced the blockade, the population registration threshold and others. We also paid for the fact that it was the first country in the West to be affected by the pandemic, so the population is very tested by the prolonged sacrifices and certainly the country cannot withstand a new blockade. “

Vaccine, “late spring effects.”

“To have an effective impact on immunity, according to experts, the vaccination campaign should target between 10 and 15 million people. To achieve this effect, we must arrive at the end of spring, but before summer ”.

Recovery plan, “without delay.”

Conte denies the Italian delays on the Recovery Plan, “the European Commission has also clarified it”, and ensures that when the document is ready “we will send it to Parliament and we will acquire the assessments and guidelines. Then we will confront the opposition and the social partners, at which point we will draw up the final plan. And that plan will also come back to Parliament’s scrutiny later ”.

Government heritage, “I’m not worried.”

Conte speaks of a “fair” confrontation within the majority. “Citizens must be calm: we do not want, or at least I do not want, to spend energy with regard to government action that at this time of emergency is even more intense.” But the prime minister clarifies: “I am not telling you that the government is not taking any risks, nor that I am available for a reorganization. Instead, I tell them that we will complete this confrontation with the political forces openly, with total transparency and clarity towards the citizens ”. Then “we will tackle the political problems so that the Government advances”. But “here no one wants to float and less to heat chairs.”

Regeni case, “we were surprised by the Legion of honor in Al Sisi.”

The story of Giulio Regeni “hurts us,” Conte explained to the press, but now “a true, serious and credible process is beginning” governed by the Italian judiciary, “there will be names and surnames on the dock.” Egypt “can do much more.” As for the Legion of Honor assigned by Emmanuel Macron to Egyptian President Al Sisi, Conte does not deny that “we were all a bit surprised, including the coincidence of that meeting.”
