by Andrea Taffi
The first that Giuseppe Conte said when he became prime minister was that he would be theItalians’ lawyer. And what does an attorney do when a client shows up at their office and claims to file a lawsuit that (they say) will surely win because they are right? Evaluate, analyze, study the charts and forecast. In short, you try to understand how likely your client is to win that lawsuit.
Let us now think of a doctor who, when faced with a patient who tells him that he has pain in a certain point of the body, does not evaluate, does not analyze, does not anticipate, he simply advises him to wait. Yes say Wait or that that pain passes or that it results in the disease that the facts have shown was the anticipation of that pain. Without a prior analysis that lawyer, that doctor becomes a notary.
the notaryin fact, what does it do? It limits itself to certifying, even with all the authority granted by the State, the state of affairs, that is, that it is true that Tom is telling him that particular thing, not that the same thing is true. In my opinion, in this second wave of Covid-19, Giuseppe Conte has become a notary: he finds out the state of affairs and ratifies it. Are infections out of control in that region? Close. Is the virus slower in that other? Close a little less. Does the virus still appear under control in that other? Almost nothing closes. That’s enough.
There is no analysis, there are no evaluations. It’s not done prevention. We simply monitor the state of affairs and intervene accordingly. Meanwhile, the colors of the regions change and become increasingly darker. And then we trust the sense of responsibility of Italians, those Italians who met in the street in the middle of what used to be called social gatherings, say frankly: “If they let us go out Let out“.
At this rate, waiting only for the effects on the trend of infection in relation to what is done or not done, we will arrive (red region after red region) to transform the whole of Italy into a Red zone: Twenty local closures make a national closure. However, this was not the case at the beginning, in March, when the government, anticipating a health catastrophe that had not been read before (despite certain indicators), decided don’t limit yourself wait for events, assess the state of affairs, but do prevention.
Of course (it will be said), then nothing was known about the virus, protective devices were lacking and the shock wave in hospitals was terrible and very violent. All true, of course. But that objection would make sense if (as has happened for a while) there was now a coexistence with the virus where man is in control. But now This is not the case, now it is the virus that is in control, and that with Covid-19 is not a coexistence, but a fear, a slavery.
However, I believe that, in the battle against coronavirus, we are not in a sprawling retreat with the only hope of reaching the stronghold and entrenching ourselves within. No, we are on an orderly retreat to find a new Piave line and arrive at a new Vittorio Veneto.
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